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Immunization Statistics

Vaccines are safe and effective. The table below shows the impact vaccines have had in the US when compared with the pre-vaccine era (based on CDC statistics).

 Disease Pre-Vaccine Era Estimated Annual MorbidityA Most Recent ReportsBof EstimatesC of US Cases Percent Disease
Diptheria 21,053 0B 100%
H. influenzae (invasive, in children < 5 years of age) 20,000 243B,D 99%
Hepatitis A


11,049C 91%

Hepatitis B (acute)

66,232 11,269C 83%
Measles  530,217 61B >99%
Mumps 162,344 982B 99%
Pertussis 200,752 13,506B 93%
Pneumococcal disease (invasive, in children < 5 years of age) 16,069 4,167C 74%
Polio (paralytic)  16,316  0B 100%
Rubella 47,745 4B >99%
Congenital Rubella Syndrome 152 1B 99%
Smallpox 29,005 0B 100%
Tetanus 580 14B 98%
Varicella 4,085,120 449,363C 89%

ACDC. JAMA, November 14, 2007; 298(18):2155-63
BCDC. MMWR, January 8, 2010;  58(51,52):1458-68
C2008 estimates, S. pneumoniae estimates from Active Bacterial Core Surveillance
D25 type b and 218 unknown
Source: Immunization Action Coalition

Immunization Rates in the City of Milwaukee

Primary Immunization Series Completion

Immunization rates for 2 year olds for completion of the primary childhood immunization series (4 DTap, 3 Hep B, 3 Hib, 1 MMR, 3 Polio, 1 Varicella) in the City of Milwaukee are less than 50% (ranging from 38-48% in the past five years (Data Source: Wisconsin Immunization Registry).  Milwaukee’s rates are substantially lower than the estimated state and national rates for the same series, 80% and 77% respectively (Data Source:  2008 National Immunization Series Survey, MMWR, August 28, 2009 / 58(33);921-926).

Information about MHD Immunization Program Initiatives aimed at increasing primary series vaccination rates can be found in the Program Information section of this website.

School Immunization Requirements

The table below provides a comparison between Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and the State of Wisconsin.  "Meet minimum" indicates the percentage of children who have received all the required vaccinations for their grade.  "In compliance" indicates the percentage of children who met the requirements of the Wisconsin immunization laws; either they received the appropriate vaccines, provided a waiver, or were in process of receiving the appropriate vaccines.

    2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
In Compliance State of Wisconsin 94% 96% 98% 96% 96%
MPS 64% 71% 83% 79% 81%
Meet Minimum

State of Wisconsin

89% 92% 93%


MPS 45% 61% 69% 70% 72%

Information about MHD Immunization Program Initiatives aimed at increasing school immunization compliance rates can be found in the Program Information section of this website.

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