Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
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Common Council
Ald. Davis has been working diligently to improve the quality of life and safety in our neighborhoods. Among the ordinances supported by Ald. Davis:
Floodplain Boundary for Lincoln Creek – (Primary sponsor) Ordinance amending the floodplain map boundary along a portion of Lincoln Creek in the city, thus enabling more than 1,500 properties to no longer be required to pay flood insurance.
No Smoking in Buildings Open to the Public – (Primary sponsor) This ordinance would prohibit smoking in any building that is open to the public (including businesses). The ordinance aims to greatly improve public health in Milwaukee, especially for workers in businesses that now allow smoking.
Group Homes – (Primary sponsor) This ordinance places tighter zoning controls for residential group homes and community living arrangements.
Lao-Hmong Recognition Day – (Primary sponsor) This resolution appropriated $10,000 from the city's 2005 Economic Development Committee fund for the National Lao-Hmong Recognition Day Celebration.
Community Sister Cities Committee – (Primary sponsor) This ordinance created a special committee charged with studying and pursuing sister city relationships with cities in nations located on other continents and various regions throughout the world.