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Alley House Number Could Save a Life

When police or firefighters respond to an emergency seconds count. Accurate addresses can save precious seconds. Ald. Pérez wants to remind you that houses are required to be identified by address numbers facing both the street and the alley. This is done to make it easier for emergency personnel or city workers to find a property.

"I strongly urge everyone in the 12th District to abide by this important city ordinance," said Ald. Pérez. "In the dark of night, a police officer in the alley cannot always be sure he is at the right house. Accurate addresses facing the alley could save a life."

The city ordinance requires that house numbers, which are available at hardware stores, be a minimum of three inches high. They should be posted on the front of each building, and on a garage or rear of the dwelling. Rear numbers are not required for houses that do not abut an alley.


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