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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 21, 2023

Milwaukee Health Department Reminds Residents to Stay Safe and Warm During Upcoming Winter Storm

MILWAUKEE – The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Milwaukee beginning at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, February 22 and ending at 12 p.m. on Thursday, February 23. The Milwaukee Area is anticipated to experience a combination of snow, sleet, and freezing rain, mixed with gusts of wind up to 40 mph. In preparation for significant travel impacts and potential power outages, Milwaukee residents are encouraged to be prepared, be safe, and stay informed.

Be Prepared

  • Plan ahead to create an emergency kit for your home and your vehicle, in case of power outages or travel incidents, that includes:
    • Candles and matches
    • Hand-cranked or battery-operated flashlight and radio
    • Fully-charged cellular phone
    • Extra batteries and external chargers
    • Blankets or sleeping bags
    • Extra clothing
    • High-calorie non-perishable food
    • Extra food and water for pets
    • First aid kits and any medications you require
    • Tool kit
  • Ensure your vehicle’s fuel tank is at least half full and the battery is fully charged.
  • Charge all portable devices, cell phones, external chargers, and lanterns or flashlights ahead of time.


Be Safe

  • Heat your home with devices approved for indoor use, and ensure they are properly vented to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning or fires.
    • Never use wood-burning or coal-burning grills, camp stoves, or other outdoor devices indoors.
    • Remember to keep flammable materials such as paper, blankets, or clothing away from portable heaters.
  • Avoid traveling, especially during periods of extreme snow or ice, unless in the case of an emergency.
  • Adjust your driving by slowing down and providing more space for braking.
  • Check on your neighbors, especially those who are elderly or with high-risk medical conditions, to ensure they have heat and ample supplies.
  • Dress warmly in water-resistant layers with gloves, hats, and scarves when outdoors.
  • Sand or salt icy sidewalks or walkways and take care where you step to avoid slips and falls.


Stay Informed

  • Check local news and weather reports for extreme cold weather alerts and safety tips.
  • Be aware of symptoms of cold weather-related illness:
  • Hypothermia: includes shivering, drowsiness, clumsiness, and confusion. Usually caused by extreme cold, but can occur at temperatures above freezing if an individual becomes wet and chilled from precipitation.
  • Frostbite: includes numbness, tingling, stinging, and aching
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: includes headaches, nausea, disorientation, seizures, coma, respiratory failure, and death.

More information on winter weather safety, including snow removal information from the Milwaukee Department of Public Works, is available at Milwaukee.gov/ColdWeather.


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