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Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention Seeks Applicants for ReCAST Summer of Healing

MILWAUKEE – Applications are now open for the City of Milwaukee’s Office of Violence Prevention Resiliency in Community after Stress and Trauma (ReCAST) Program’s Summer of Healing Project. Organizations chosen will receive between $25,000 and $50,000 in funding for summer programs supporting youth and their families who reside in the Milwaukee priority neighborhoods identified in the Blueprint for Peace and have experienced or are at risk of trauma.

The Summer of Healing Project aims to support community-based programs serving youth and families in priority neighborhoods during the critical summer months, advance the strategies called for by the community in the Blueprint for Peace, and increase community-based organizations’ capacity to have a positive impact on the lives and communities they serve.

Organizations interested in applying should submit a proposal to the Community Development Grants Administration no later than May 9, 2022. Full request for proposal available on the Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention website.

The ReCAST Program is funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The goal of the program is to prevent and reduce the impact of trauma in Milwaukee by enhancing individual and community resilience through increased access to relevant, high quality, and developmentally appropriate services and activities.



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