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About the Fire and Police Commission

What is the Fire and Police Commission?

Under Wisconsin law and the Milwaukee City Charter, the Fire and Police Commission oversees all aspects of Fire Department, Police Department, and Department of Emergency Communications operations. The Commission is responsible for appointing the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments and Emergency Communications Director, while the Chief or Director of each department manages daily operations. Specific Commission functions also include:

  • Establishing recruitment and testing standards for positions in the Fire and Police Departments and Department of Emergency Communications,
  • Hearing appeals by members of the three public safety departments who have been disciplined by their Chief or Director,
  • Independently investigating and monitoring citizen complaints, and
  • Disciplining employees for misconduct.

The nine part-time civilian Commissioners and full-time Executive Director are appointed by the Mayor and must be approved by the Common Council. The Commissioners serve as the citizens’ voice in public safety matters and as a means of ensuring more responsive and effective city government. Diversity of background and experience makes the Commissioners’ concerns reflective of the community-at-large, and their priorities include initiatives to reduce crime, increase public safety, and maintain effective responses to fire and medical emergencies.  Commissioners serve overlapping five-year terms, and receive a nominal salary of $6,600 per year. A twenty-seven-person staff, headed by the Executive Director, is responsible for carrying out Commission functions.  Staff members are employees of the City of Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission is a member of NACOLE, the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission has adopted the NACOLE Code of Ethics.


The Milwaukee Board of Fire and Police Commissioners was established in 1885 by state law and is one of the oldest police oversight agencies in the nation. The Commission was originally created to remove the fire and police services from the influences of politics. Until that time, in Milwaukee, as in most cities, chiefs of both departments were appointed by the mayor, who used these appointments, and the appointment of police officers, as a form of political patronage. The new law made the Fire and Police Commission responsible for setting employment standards, testing candidates for positions in the Fire and Police Departments, and appointing both chiefs.

In 1911, the Commission’s authority was expanded to include all aspects of operational oversight of the Fire and Police Departments. The City Charter in 1968 and State law in 1969 allowed people to file citizen complaints with the FPC against members of either MFD or MPD and, in 1977, changes in State law gave the FPC public safety rule-making authority.  In 2021, the Common Council created a new public safety department, the Department of Emergency Communications, who mission is to provide city residents and the police and Fire Departments with professional, time efficient, and operationally effective 9-1-1/emergency communications services.  Under City Ordinance, the FPC is responsible for appointing the DEC Director and overseeing the Department’s operations and performance.  

In June 2023, Wisconsin Act 12 was approved by the State Legislature.  The new law gave the Chief of the Police and Fire Departments, rather than the FPC, the authority to establish policies relating to the control and management of their departments, whereas prior law authorized the FPC to do so.  The act further provides that the city may suspend or modify policies established by the Police or Fire Chief only if the suspension or modification is approved by two-thirds of all members of the Common Council.  The act authorizes the FPC to advise the Common Council regarding any recommended policy changes.

The Commission’s authority and responsibility are specified in Wisconsin Statute section 62.50, and in the Milwaukee City Charter.

Disciplinary Appeals

Members of the Fire and Police Departments and Department of Emergency Communications may appeal to the Commission if they believe they have been unfairly dismissed, demoted, or suspended for more than five days. The Commission may sustain, modify, or reverse the Chief’s or Director’s action.

Citizen Complaints

Community members may file a complaint directly with the Police Department, Fire Department, or Department of Emergency Communications. In addition, the Fire and Police Commission has full authority to receive complaints and independently investigate and discipline department employees up to and including termination from employment for acts of misconduct. A person may file a complaint against an employee of the Fire or Police Department or Department of Emergency Communications for specific acts of inappropriate conduct. Complaints can be initiated in writing, in person, by telephone, by fax, by e-mail, through the Commission website, and through recognized community referral organizations. The Commission also monitors complaints filed directly with the Police, Fire Departments and Department of Emergency Communications and reviews their completed investigations.

Policy Oversight

Though the departments’ daily management responsibilities fall on the respective Chiefs or Director, the Fire and Police commission has the authority to approve and/or modify all policy decisions for the Department of Emergency Communications. The Commission also has the responsibility to review all policy decisions for the Police and Fire Departments.  All new or amended policies for the public safety departments are review by the Executive Director and the Commission’s Research and Policy Analyst and are placed on a regular meeting agenda for public comment and review by the full Board. The policy oversight function of the Board is key to community input into the day-to-day functions of the departments and provides an avenue to increase public understanding of those functions. The active role board members take in the policy deliberating process has the potential to push the evolution of the departments toward a more fair, modern, and responsive future.

Recruitment & Testing

Since 1885, no person has been appointed or promoted to any position in either the Police Department or the Fire Department without Commission approval. The Commission has a long-standing commitment to ensure the public safety workforce is representative of the Milwaukee community. Commission staff administer a variety of examinations, including written, physical ability and oral tests, background investigations, and medical, drug, and psychological screenings. Applicants who pass all components are hired according to their total score on an eligible list. Firefighters, Police Officers, and Emergency Communications Officers are hired at intervals for training classes; other entry-level positions are filled as vacancies occur.

When the position of Chief or Director becomes vacant in a department, the Commission determines qualifications, solicits applications, and appoints the new Chief or Director. Chiefs and Directors are hired for four-year terms, renewable at the Commission’s discretion.


The Commission and its standing committees hold regular meetings and disciplinary hearings. These meetings are open to the public, and members of the community are encouraged to attend. Regular business meetings are held twice each month except August, usually on the first and third Thursday of the month, at 5:30 p.m.  Meetings are usually held in the Common Council meeting rooms on the third floor of City Hall, with periodic meetings held in other community locations. Regular meetings always have a standing agenda item to allow for citizen input on any public safety topic. The meeting time, location, and agenda is published in advance through the City of Milwaukee E-notify and Legistar systems.

For a printable brochure of the above text, click here.


The rules of the Fire and Police Commission may be viewed or downloaded here. 

Fire and Police Commission Milwaukee, WI

City Hall
200 E. Wells Street
Room 705
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(24-hour message line)


[email protected]

Media Inquiries

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
(except holidays and furlough days)

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