- I have to already have my degree in order to apply.
You do not need to already have your degree in order to apply to be a Police Officer with the MPD. Learn more.
- I'm not perfect, they wouldn't want me.
While it’s true that we’re looking for the best candidates we can find, we understand that nobody’s perfect. What’s most important is that your past issues don’t compromise your integrity and that you’re honest and forthcoming about yourself and your decisions. Learn more.
- I can't apply because I have used marijuana in the past.
Prior use of marijuana is NOT an automatic disqualifier, however, candidates must be able to successfully pass a drug test while in the testing process in order to be considered for employment with the Milwaukee Police Deartment. Learn more.
- I can't apply because I don't live in Milwaukee.
Please apply no matter where you live. After an appointment and while you're in the training academy, the City allows new Police Officers 6 months to move to within 15 miles of the City. Learn more.
- I'm not physically fit enough.
The FPC is invested in you and will help connect you to the resources you will need to pass the minimum fitness requirements. Learn more.
- My friends and family won't approve.
In your pursuit of an honorable career, you will win over your toughest critics. Learn more.
While it's true that working as a police officer is a demanding position, the injury rate of this profession isn't very different than many other common professions. Learn more.
Working as a Police Officer provides much more than any ordinary job. Learn more.
- What about all the stuff I see in the news?
Regardless of the messages amplified in the media, people call the police when they’re in need and appreciate the service that the police provide. The vast majority of people want the police in their neighborhood and rely on the police in their times of crisis. Learn more.
- The testing is too complicated.
The Fire and Police Commission uses tests which are locally and nationally validated by an outside third party to measure aptitude for and compatibility with the position. While the testing process does take time, the goal is to make sure that you are a good fit for the position and that you'll have a long and successful career with the City of Milwaukee. Learn more.
- I can’t apply because I have a tattoo.
While there are rules regarding tattoos, simply having a tattoo is not an automatic disqualifier. Learn more.