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Environmental Inspection Section

The Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS) Environmental Section deals with many topics including, but not limited to, asbestos removal, noise & light pollution, and swimming pool inspections. If you want to make a service request or a complaint regarding one of the issues below, please call the DNS Complaint Intake line at (414) 286-2268. A DNS employee will take the information and keep the complainant's name confidential.  

For all complaints, please include the name, address, and phone number of the complainant along with a description of the violation and address of the location where the violation is occurring. 

High Hazard Occupancy Fire Inspections

Existing buildings are inspected for compliance with fire codes and building safety codes and require fire prevention permits.

Asbestos Hazard Control (Chapter 66-12)

Removal of asbestos-containing materials must be performed by trained, State of Wisconsin certified individuals. 

Asbestos Brochure (DNS-77)
Asbestos Project Work Sheet (DNS-182)
Environmental Permit Application (DNS-185)

Campgrounds, Hotels, Motels, Rooming Houses, Manufactured Homes Park Communities

A license and inspection is required for these all hotels, motels, rooming houses and manufactured home park communities. A license is issued to one campground (State Fair Park) annually by the Environmental Division. License information requests should be directed to (414) 286-3280.

Dry Cleaning Establishments (Chapter 76-20)

All dry cleaning establishments (facilities where dry-cleaning is done on site) are required to obtain annual operating permits. The permit period is February 1 thru January 31. Questions related to these facilities should be directed to (414) 286-3280.

Nuisance Light (Chapter 80-19)

Citizens may call in to complain about bright lights that may be causing them discomfort or are bothering them in some way. In order to file a complaint, the citizen must submit a written petition/letter to the Environmental Section. For more information, call (414) 286-3280. 

Litter and/or Improper Disposal (Chapter 79)

Please call (414) 286-2268 for all service requests related to litter on commercial properties or vacant lots as well as those related to the dumping or improper storage of oil or other automotive fluids. 


The City requires that a permit be obtained by a property owner or contractor prior to conducting exterior masonry cleaning of a building anywhere within the city of Milwaukee.

Environmental Permit Application (DNS-185)
Masonry Cleaning Information and Worksheet (DNS-186)

Outdoor Noise / Nuisance Noise (Chapter 80-60 thru 80-74)

A temporary noise variance can be obtained for construction projects or festivals or other similar events which may exceed the noise limits. Noise complaints handled by the Police Department include vehicular noises (while on a public right-of-way) and disturbing of the peace issues (boisterous individuals, fighting etc.). 

Noise Variance Application (DNS-120A)
Noise Variance Information (DNS-120)
Noise Complaints FAQ


Backyard Pools (Chapter 75-20): A construction permit is required for swimming pools equal to or greater than 15 ft x 3 ft in size.

Public Swimming Places (Chapter 75-20): All public swimming places are inspected and licensed annually.

Environmental Permit Application (DNS-185)
Swimming Pool Information

Self-Service Laundromats (Chapter 75-1)

Self-service laundromats require a permit through the City Clerk’s Office. They are inspected annually and upon complaint by DNS Environmental Section inspectors. For permits, please call (414) 286-2238.

Tourist Rooming Houses

Tourist Rooming Houses, known as Short Term Rentals in the City of Milwaukee, require a license to operate in the State of Wisconsin. To obtain a license, click here.

City of Milwaukee Department of Administration Director Sharon Robinson

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

 Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room 105, Milwaukee, WI 53202


Who's My Inspector

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