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Multimodal Improvements

Program Overview

The City of Milwaukee's “Multimodal Improvements” initiative creates street transformations to increase the safety and comfort of all users, including people walking, biking, and driving. 

Some of these projects use rapid implementation materials like paint, flexible posts, planters, and other moveable barriers to create street improvements like curb extensions, plazas, and pedestrian islands. These projects are relatively easy to adjust and can be used to test out new ideas before more permanent concrete changes are constructed.

Many of these projects contain pinned-on or full concrete to create designated space for people using transit, shorten crossing distances for people walking or create protected space for people biking. These projects are designed to accommodate all modes of transportation. 

If you are part of a Business Improvement District or Neighborhood Improvement District interested in bringing a rapid implementation initiative to your area, please contact [email protected] for additional information.

Current Projects

  • N. 27th St. - W. Wisconsin Ave. to W. State St. (Near West Side Business Improvement District) - Permanent Installation
    This project will upgrade current rapid implementation from pavement markings and delineators to pinned-on concrete bumpouts.
  • S. 13th St. - W. Oklahoma Ave. to W. Harrison Ave. (Cristol Corridor Business Improvement District) - Permanent Installation
    This project will upgrade current rapid implementation from pavement markings and delineators to pinned-on concrete bumpouts.
  • Burnham Park Traffic Safety Improvements
    This project will address the significant safety concerns on the streets throughout Burnham Park. Phase I of the project will include the installation of speed humps and traffic circles at various locations within 1/4-mile of Greenfield Bilingual School and Alba Elementary School.
  • W/E Kilbourn Ave. - N. 6th St. to N. Water St. 
    This project will install concrete-protected bike lanes and pinned-on concrete bumpouts at intersections.
  • E. Juneau Ave. - Milwaukee River to N. Broadway
    This project will install concrete-protected bike lanes and pinned-on concrete bumpouts at intersections.
  • E. North Ave. - N. Humboldt Blvd. to N. Prospect Ave. 
    This project will add concrete to existing post/planter protected bike lanes, and bus bulbs for in-lane boarding at several intersections. Project will also include some limited high impact paving work.
  • W. Michigan St. - N. Water St. to N. 8th St. 
    This project will include a reduction in travel lanes (from 4 to 3), concrete- or parking-protected bike lanes, and pinned-on concrete bumpouts at most intersections.

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  2023 Projects

•    W. Burleigh St. (West Burleigh Street Business Improvement District)
•    E. North Ave. (The East Side Business Improvement District)
•    E. Kenwood Blvd. and N. Downer Ave. (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

  2022 Projects

•    W. Center St. (Center Street Business Improvement District)
•    W. Historic Mitchell St. (Historic Mitchell Street Business Improvement District)
•    S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. (Cesar Chavez Drive Business Improvement District)

  2021 Projects

•    W. North Ave. from N. 20th St. to N. 15th St. (Marketplace Business Improvement District)
•    W. North Ave. from N. 59th St. to N. 44th St. (Uptown Crossings Business Improvement District)
•    W. Villard Ave. from N. Hopkins St. to N. 32nd St. (Villard Avenue Business Improvement District)
•    E. Locust St. and N. Bremen St. Intersection

  2020 Pilot Projects

•    N. 27th St. (Near West Side Business Improvement District)
•    S. 13th St. (Cristol Corridor Business Improvement District) 

Contact Us

[email protected]

Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202 

Example of Curb Extension

Example of Protected Bike Lane


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