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Watch the following videos below to learn about certain jobs at the City of Milwaukee.

Working for Milwaukee: Milwaukee Water Works


The Milwaukee Water Works is a national leader in providing high quality, healthy drinking water. What is it like to work at MWW?

Take a look!



DNS Plan Examiner

Pursuant to federal, state and local regulations, Plan Examiners review plans, specifications, and other data for the construction of new structures and buildings and proposed alterations, additions, and repairs to existing structures and buildings and related mechanical systems.

Plan Examiners work in the Development Center for the Department of Neighborhood Services.

Milwaukee Water Works Water Treatment Plant Positions

The Milwaukee Water Works (MWW) is a national leader in providing high quality, healthful drinking water and comprehesive water quality monitoring.

The Water Treatment Plant Operators operate a water treatment plant and distribution pumping system to meet production requirements for high quality, sufficient drinking water, with a focus on pump, treatment and chemical filtration changes, plant integration and overall process control. 

Water Plants Machine Repair Personnel perform maintenance at MWW facilities.

The Office of Violence Prevention

Its core mission mission is to reduce violence in Milwaukee. The Office of Violence Prevention, under the City of Milwaukee Health Department, provides strategic direction and oversight for City efforts to reduce risk of violence through linked strategies in partnership with government, non-profit, neighborhood, and faith organizations.

Home Environmental Health

The Home Environmental Health Division of the City of Milwaukee Health Department consists of four complimentary programs that together aim to keep children and families healthy and safe:
- Lead Hazard Reduction
- Lead Surveillance & Response
- Healthy Homes
- Drinking Water Safety

More information on the Lead Safe Program can be found at www.leadsafeMKE.com.

Operations Driver/Worker

The Operations Driver/Workers provide professional driving and critical manual laboring functions, including municipal solid waste and recycling collection, street sweeping, snow and ice control, and operation of heavy equipment for the Department of Public Works.

This position is critical to the cleanliness, health and safety of the City, its residents and visitors.

Cllick HERE for more information on Sanitation Services.

Fall Leaf Collection Information.

Urban Forestry Services

The Department of Public Works Urban Forestry Division performs work associated with the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees, shrubs, and other landscape plants growing on City green spaces, with an emphasis on arborist duties.

This is the team that harvests and decorates the City Christmas Tree for all to enjoy at Deer District during the Holiday season.

DPW’s Urban Forestry Division has an Arborist Apprenticeship Program, that consists of roughly 3.5 years of on-the-job training & learning to become an Urban Forestry Specialist. It encompasses all aspects of tree care, from planting and pruning to managing diseases and insects. It’s a program through the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, and the first of its kind in the country!

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