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Protective Service

The positions listed below are not open at this time and are provided for information purposes only (do not submit resumes or transcripts).  Select a Job Title for the job description and minimum requirements.  For current protective service job openings, go to http://city.milwaukee.gov/fpc/Job-Opportunities.htm.

Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission:

  1. Executive Director (11.07.14)
  2. Fire and Police Commission Staffing Services Manager (03.24.16)
  3. Graduate Intern (01.14.14)
  4. Human Resources Analyst-Senior (12.23.10)
  5. Human Resources Representative (12.23.10)
  6. Research and Policy Analyst (02.13.14)

Milwaukee Fire Department:

  1. Athletic Trainer (06.01.16)
  2. Fire Cadet (09.21.18)
  3. Fire Education Specialist  04.01.10
  4. Fire Equipment Dispatcher  (11.07.14)
  5. Fire Equipment Repairer II (Fire Equipment Upholsterer) 05.19.17
  6. Firefighter  (2008)
  7. Media Specialist (09.18.12)
  8. 9-1-1 Operator (7.12.18)

Milwaukee Police Department:

  1. Accountant I (07.09.10)
  2. Administrative Services Specialist (Sensitive Crimes Division)  07.25.14
  3. Audiovisual Specialist II (02.06.08)
  4. Building Maintenance Supervisor II  (07.22.16)
  5. Buildings and Fleet Manager (07.30.10)
  6. Chief of Staff - Police (01.13.17)
  7. Communications Maintenance Manager (06.04.09)
  8. Communication Systems Manager (10.21.16)
  9. Community Service Officer (03.17.21
  10. Computer Operator II (05.30.07)
  11. Crime Analyst (07.28.17)
  12. Crime & Intelligence Manager, Crime & Intelligence Specialist (10.14.15)
  13. Custodial Worker II/City Laborer (Milwaukee Police Department)  04.28.17
  14. Garage Attendant (Milwaukee Police Department) 05.05.17
  15. Data Communications Specialist, Application Support Analyst (07.28.17)
  16. Data Base Analyst (Police Department)  02.05.16
  17. Electronic Technician (08.13.14)
  18. Electronic Technician Assistant (04.26.12)
  19. Electronic Technician Supervisor (Radio Communications)  03.08.13
  20. Emergency Communications Manager  (04.21.17)
  21. Emergency Communications Operator II (07.29.16)
  22. Emergency Vehicle Equipment Installer (06.16.17)
  23. Forensic Ballistics Specialist (Milwaukee Police Department (07.14.17)
  24. Health and Safety Officer  (10.21.16)
  25. Health and Safety Specialist (04.17.15)
  26. Heating & Ventilating Mechanic II (08.02.13)
  27. Help Desk Specialist I/II  (07.25.15)
  28. Human Resources Administrator (12.16.16)
  29. Information Services Manager (07.14.17)
  30. IT Support Specialist-Senior (02.05.16)
  31. Media Producer (Milwaukee Police Department) 07.25.17
  32. Network Coordinator-Senior, Server Administrator  (12.05.15)
  33. Office Assistant I (03.26.12)
  34. Office Assistant II (07.14.17)
  35. Police Aide (09.21.18)
  36. Police Dispatcher  (02.15.13)
  37. Police Facilities Assistant Manager  (04.07.14)
  38. Police Fleet Supervisor  (11.17.16)
  39. Police Information Systems Director  07.10
  40. Police Officer  (03.03.17)
  41. Police Policy and Planning Director 10.05.16
  42. Police Records Assistant Manager (06.05.15)
  43. Police Records Manager 08.01.13
  44. Police Services Assistant  (2007)
  45. Property Control Manager (07.18.15)
  46. Sensitive Crimes Project Coordinator (07.18.15)
  47. Server Administrator, Network Coordinator-Senior (12.05.15)
  48. Systems Analyst-Sr. (04.09.14)
  49. Telecommunications Specialist, Telecommunications Data Analyst  (06.23.15)
  50. Telecommunications Supervisor (09.08.10)
  51. 9-1-1 Operator (7.12.18)

r. 03.18.21

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