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The positions listed below are not open at this time and are provided for information purposes only (do not submit resumes or transcripts). Click on a Job Title for the job description and the minimum education and experience requirements.  For current job openings, go to www.milwaukee.gov/jobs.

  1. Accountant I / II (DPW Infrastructure-Admin) 12.18.20
  2. Accountant III (DPW-Water-Business) 03.25.21
  3. Accounting Specialist (Office of the Comptroller) 05.03.21
  4. Assistant City Attorney I, II, III (Office of the City Attorney) 04.20.21
  5. Associate Auditor (Comptroller) 12.17.21
  6. Bioinformatician (Health Department) 12.16.20
  7. Business Systems Coordinator (City Treasurer) 02.05.20
  8. Building Construction Inspector 08.13.21
  9. Crime Analyst (Police Department) 11.06.20
  10. DataBase Associate (DPW-Water) 02.05.20
  11. DCD Accountant Lead (Dept. of City Development, Mgmt & Special Projects) 12.23.20
  12. Disease Intervention Specialist (Health Dept.) 2.16.21
  13. Doula (Health) 11.12.20
  14. Doula Program Coordinator (Health) 08.18.20
  15. Economic Development Specialist (Dept. of City Development) 11.13.20
  16. Electrical Engineer I / II 03.26.21
  17. Electrical Inspector (DNS) 12.15.21
  18. Elevator Inspector (Dept. of Neighborhood Services) 04.13.20
  19. Environmental Sustainability Program Manager (DOA) 12.13.21
  20. Equal Rights Specialist (DOA-Budget & Policy Divison) 2.16.21
  21. FPC Auditor (Fire and Police Commission) 01.28.21
  22. Functional Aplications Analyst-Senior (Fire-Support) 04.23.21
  23. GIS Developer-Senior (Water) 11.02.20
  24. Human Resources Analyst-Senior AND Human Resources Analyst (Dept. of Employee Relations) 04.07.20
  25. Injury and Violence Prevention Program Coordinator (Health Dept)  04.23.21
  26. IT Support Specialist (Library) 08.27.20
  27. IT Support Specialist-Senior (Fire) 11.06.20
  28. Laboratory Quality Assurance Specialist (Health Department) 12.18.20
  29. Long Range Planning Manager (DCD) 07.27.20
  30. Management Trainee 01.29.21
  31. Marketing and Communications Officer (DCD) 03.31.21
  32. Microbiologist (Health Department) 06.22.21
  33. Microbiologist-Senior (Health Department) 12.17.21
  34. Property Appraiser I (Assessors) 08.28.20
  35. Property Appraiser3 (Assessors) 03.15.21
  36. Public Health Nurse I (Health Department) 07.23.21
  37. Public Health Social Worker (Health Department) 04.14.21
  38. Public Health Strategist (Health Department) 07.09.21
  39. Public Safety Systems Administrator (FPC) 12.23.20
  40. Public Safety Geographic Information Analyst (FPC) 12.23.20
  41. Safety Specialist-Senior (DPW-Admin) 03.31.21
  42. Senior Auditor (Comptroller) 04.27.21
  43. Senior Property Appraiser I (Assessor) 03.22.21
  44. Water Chemist I (DPW-Water ,Water Quality) 01.28.21


r. 12.20.24

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