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Official and Administrative

The positions listed below are not open at this time and are provided for information purposes only (do not submit resumes or transcripts). Select a Job Title for the job description and minimum requirements.  For current job openings, go to www.milwaukee.gov/jobs.

  1. Accounting Manager (Dept. of City Development)  07.18.07
  2. Accounting Director:Accounts Director (Comptroller) 08.05.20
  3. Administration & Projects Manager (DPW-Water Works)  01.26.05
  4. Administrative Services Manager (DPW-Operations Division)  07.07.14
    Applications Development Manager, Systems Integration Manager (Dept. of Admin, Info & Tech Mgmt Div) 08.07.15
  5. Administrative Services Supervisor (Dept. of Neighborhood Services) 07.25.17
  6. Assessment Appeals Director (Assessors Office) 09.27.19
  7. Assessment Division Manager (Assessor's Office)  04.20.16
  8. Assistant Court Administrator (Municipal Court)  12.08.09
  9. Assistant Director, Library Operations (Milwaukee Public Library) 07.31.15
  10. Assistant Tow Lot Manager (Dept. of Public Works)   01.13.12
  11. Auditing Manager (Comptroller's Office) 06.21.19
  12. Building Construction Inspection Division Manager (12.10.21)
  13. Building Construction Inspection Supervisor (12.19.15)
  14. Building Maintenance Manager (Milwaukee Public Library)  07.15.05
  15. Building Maintenance Supervisor II (Milwaukee Police Department) 09.21.18
  16. Building Maintenance Supervisor II (Milwaukee Public Library) 06.09.17
  17. Buildings and Fleet Manager (Milwaukee Police Department)  07.30.10
  18. Business Operations Manager, Health Department (10.16.15)
  19. Business Operations Manager, Budget Development (DPW)
  20. Business Operations Manager-Neighborhood Services (9.11.19)
  21. Call Center Director  03.26.10
  22. Call Center Supervisor  08.22.16
  23. Chief of Staff - Police (04.20.18)
  24. Chief Investment Officer  06.24.13
  25. Chief Traffic & Lighting Engineer, Traffic Control Engineer V (DPW-Infrastructure, Electrical) 10.16.15
  26. Clinic Operations Director(Health) 07.25.19
  27. Commercial Corridor Manager (Dept. of City Development) 07.31.16
  28. Commissioner Of Health (Health Department) 09.10.20
  29. Commissioner, Dept. of Neighborhood Services (11.12.15)
  30. Commissioner Of Public Works (DPW) 08.06.18
  31. Communicable Disease & Immunization Supervisor  03.05.14
  32. Communicable & Infectious Disease Program Supervisor  04.14.09
  33. Communications Maintenance Manager (Police Department)  06.04.09
  34. Communication Systems Manager (Police Department)  10.21.16
  35. Consumer Environmental Health Division Director (Health Department) 01.15.16
  36. Consumer Environmental Health Supervisor (Health Department) 03.30.20
  37. Coordinator of Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
  38. Construction Management Engineer (DPW-Infrastructure-St/Bridges) 05.17.17
  39. Crime & Intelligence Manager, Crime & Intelligence Specialist (Police Department) 07.26.19
  40. Customer Service Specialist (City Treasurer) 01.15.20
  41. Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Health (Health) 06.20.19
  42. Deputy Commissioner Of Community Health (Health) 06.26.19
  43. Deputy Commissioner of Policy , Innovation and Engagement (Health) 06.25.19
  44. Document Services Manager (City Clerk's Office) 12.06.16
  45. Doula Program Manager (Health) 06.06.19
  46. DPW-Iventory & Purchasing Manager (DPW- Administration) 03.10.20
  47. Electrical Engineer-Senior (DPW-Infrastructure-Transportation) 07.06.17
  48. Electrical Services Manager (DPW-Water Linnwood) 10.29.18
  49. Electronic Technician Supervisor (Police Department, Radio Communications)  03.08.13
  50. Emergency Communications Manager (Police Department) 06.21.19
  51. Emerging Business Enterprise Manager (Dept. of Admin., EOEP)  07.26.13
  52. Employee Relations Director (DER) 08.06.2020
  53. Empowering Families of Milwaukee Program Manager 06.09.20
  54. Engineer in Charge - Environmental (DPW-Sewer Maintenance) 05.05.16
  55. Environmental Sustainability Director  02.12.10
  56. Enterprise Resource Planning Manager (Dept of Administration - Info & Tech Mgmt Div) 03.10.17
  57. Enterprise Resource Planning Manager(DOA-INFO & Tech Mgmt Div0 09.05.17
  58. Epidemiologist 06.07.18
  59. Epidemiologist, Family & Community Health  11.13.13
  60. ERS Chief Technology Officer (Employee's Retirement System) 07.25.19
  61. ERS Disability Deputy Director (Employees Retirement System) 11.18.19
  62. ERS Financial Officer (Employees' Retirement System) 08.25.17
  63. ERS Operations Director (Employees Retirement System) 01.15.21
  64. Executive Director, Deferred Compensation Board  02.09.17
  65. Executive Director, Employes' Retirement System  06.12.05
  66. Executive Director, Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission 11.07.14
  67. Facilities Maintenance Supervisor (Library) 09.26.19
  68. Facilities Manager (DPW-Infra Facilities) 03.26.20
  69. Finance and Administration Manager (Dept. of City Development) 07.02.15
  70. Family and Community Health Operations Manager (Health Dept) 03.10.17
  71. Finance and Planning Manger (DPW-Administrative Services)  02.05.10
  72. Fire and Police Chief of Staff Commissioner (01.26.21)
  73. Fire and Police Commission Staffing Services Manager (12.23.20)
  74. Fire Protection Engineer Supervisor (DNS) 12.19.18
  75. Fleet Services Manager (DPW-OPS-Fleet Services) 03.19.20
  76. Forestry Services Manager  11.07.05
  77. Functional Applications Manager (Comptroller's Office)  06.19.14
  78. GIS Developer-Project Leader 07.03.18
  79. Greenhouse and Nursery Manager  06.20.11
  80. Health Communication Officer (Health Department) 06.07.18
  81. Health Project Coordinator (Health Department) 08.07.20
  82. Health and Safety Officer (Police Department) 10.21.16
  83. Home Environmental Health Manager (Health) 11.09.18
  84. Housing Programs Manager (Commercial & Residential Rehabilitation Manager) 01.27.15
  85. Housing Programs Manager (DCD) 04.19.21
  86. Housing Rehabilitation Manager (Dept. of City Development) 03.16.18
  87. Human Resources Administrator (Police Department) 12.16.16
  88. Human Resources Officer (DCD-Mgmt & Special Projects)  10.11.16
  89. Human Resources Officer (Health) 07.21.21
  90. Information Services Manager (DOA-Info & Tech Mgmt Division) 05.31.19
  91. Information Services Manager (Milwaukee Police Department)  07.14.17
  92. Information Systems Manager (Employes' Retirement System)  10.03.08
  93. In-Rem Property Disposition Manager (Dept of City Development, Real Estate) 4.13.18
  94. Labor Negotiator  (9.14.16)
  95. Lead Hazard Prevention Manager  05.30.02
  96. Lead Microbiologist  07.16.08
  97. Legislative Reference Bureau Manager (Common Council - City Clerk) 05.28.15
  98. Librarian V, Coordinator of Circulation and Security  05.21.08
  99. Library Branch Manager 11.05.20
  100. Library Facilities Manager  06.05.12
  101. Library Public Services Area Manager 07.10.18
  102. License Coordinator  01.23.15
  103. License Division Manager  02.25.21
  104. Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor (DPW) 04.15.19
  105. Management Librarian (Library-Catalog & Metadata/Youth Services) 11.05.20
  106. Management Librarian (Central Library Children's Room and Humanities-Art, Music, Recreation) 03.20.17
  107. Management Librarian (Youth and Community Outreach Services Manager)  05.21.08
  108. Maternal and Child Health Director 12.13.19
  109. Maternal & Child Health Division Manager  02.10.06
  110. Milwaukee Comprehensive Home Visiting Program Manager (MCHVP) 03.14.18
  111. MPD Safety Division Manager (12.16.16)
  112. Municipal Court Commissioner, part-time   02.12.14
  113. Municipal Port Director  10.04.13Network Manager (Municipal Court)  01.02.15
  114. Neighborhood Services Operations Director (Dept. of Neighborhood Services) 04.20.17
  115. Nursing Practice Manager, Director of Nursing (Health Dept.)  06.25.14
  116. Operations Manager - Development Center (Dept. of Neighborhood Services) 06.09.17
  117. Operations Division Director (DPW) 11.17.20
  118. Parking Enforcement Assistant Manager (DPW)  01.18.11
  119. Parking Enforcement Supervisor (DPW)  07.02.13
  120. Parking Operations Manager (DPW)  04.22.14
  121. Parking Operations Supervisor (DPW)  04.04.14
  122. Pension Accounting Manager (ERS) 6.26.18
  123. Permit Desk Supervisor (DNS) 05.21.19
  124. Personnel Officer(City Attorney) 04.26.21
  125. Plumbing Inspection Supervisor (DNS) 01.17.20
  126. Police Facilities Assistant Manager 09.04.20
  127. Police Fleet Supervisor 11.06.20
  128. Police Information Systems Director 07.26.19
  129. Police Policy and Planning Director 10.05.16
  130. Police Records Assistant Manager (06.05.15)
  131. Police Records Manager 02.05.21
  132. Port Facilities Supervisor  05.08.07
  133. Property Control Manager (Milwaukee Police Department) 07.18.15
  134. Public Debt Specialist  03.12.02
  135. Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator 09.21.18
  136. Public Health Deputy Laboratory Director (Health Dept) 03.09.17
  137. Public Health Assistant Laboratories Director (Health Dept) 11.13.20
  138. Public Health Laboratory Operations Manager  02.13.17
  139. Public Health Nurse Supervisor (Health -Public Health Services) 04.23.21
  140. Public Health Nurse Supervisor, Milwaukee Nurse-Family Partnership (01.29.16)
  141. Public Health Nurse Supervisor, Prenatal Care Coordination Program  (02.05.15)
  142. Public Health Planning and Policy Director (05.08.15)
  143. Public Relations Supervisor (Common Council - City Clerk) 06.06.17
  144. Public Safety Project Manager (Fire and Police Commission) 12.23.20
  145. Real Estate Development Services Manager (Dept. of City Development) 05.19.15
  146. Revenue and Financial Services Specialist (Office of the Comptroller)  01.15.13
  147. Sanitation Services Manager (DPW-Operations) 05.06.16
  148. Sanitation Supervisor  05.11.17
  149. Security Operations Manager (DPW)  06.02.08
  150. Self Help Yard Supervisor (DPW-Operations Division, Sanitation) 02.15.19
  151. Shop and Maintenance Supervisor (DPW-Operations, Forestry) 10.02.15
  152. Systems Integration Manager, Applications Development Manager (Dept. of Admin, ITMD) 10.30.15
  153. Technical Services Supervisor (DPW-Environmental Services, Forestry Division)  03.16.07
  154. Telecommunications Analyst-Project Leader (DPW)  06.17.10
  155. Telecommunications Supervisor (Police Department)  09.08.10
  156. Transportation Engineering Planner( DPW-Infractructure-Transport) 08.24.17
  157. Urban Forestry Manager  06.06.16
  158. Water Accounting Manager )12.21.18)
  159. Water Billing Supervisor 07.28.15
  160. Water Business Operations Manager 07.24.20
  161. Water Customer Service Supervisor  02.16.09
  162. Water Information Technology Manager (4.17.21)
  163. Water Plant Maintenance Manager (04.08.05)
  164. Water Plant Operations Supervisor (DPW-Water Linnwood) 06.19.20
  165. Water Quality Manager (07.10.17)
  166. Water Works Superintendent 10.23.18
  167. Well Women's Program Manager  10.11.07
  168. WIC Program Manager  07.03.02

r. 12.23.21

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