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Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan

People biking in Milwaukee

  • Overview
  • Public Engagement


Walking is a healthy and environmentally-friendly way to get around, so how can we make it safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable? In order to answer this question, the Department of Public Works and its partners created Milwaukee's first citywide Pedestrian Plan, which was adopted by the Common Council on July 30, 2019. Our team gathered input from residents about their experiences and thoughts on walking in Milwaukee. We also collected data about walking conditions around the City and researched ways that other communities have created friendlier places to walk and get around.

Based on the feedback from the community and the results of our studies, the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan includes recommendations such as:

  • How the City can build streets to keep pedestrians safer
  • What changes will make our network of sidewalks and trails more accessible to everyone
  • What policies the City should have to make sure pedestrians are considered in all transportation projects
  • What kind of programs will encourage Milwaukeeans to walk more often

Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan

Who is a "pedestrian?"

Everyone is a pedestrian! Even people who drive, bike, or take the bus everywhere still have to get from their parking spot or the bus stop to their final destination. For this project, a “pedestrian” is anyone walking, running, traveling in a wheelchair, or using any other assistive device.

Additional White Papers from the Plan:

Public Engagement

Public Involvement Meeting #1: The first open house meeting introduced the plan and gathered community feedback to help develop the initial draft. It was held on Monday, October 23, 2017 at Milwaukee's Central Library. 

Click on the links below to view the first open house materials.

Public Involvement Meeting #2: The second open house meeting provided an opportunity to review and share feedback on the draft plan. It was held Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at Milwaukee's Mitchell Street Library. 

Click on the link below to view the second open house materials.

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