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Storm Water Management Program

Program Overview

By managing storm water discharges from developments and redevelopments within its boundaries, the City of Milwaukee seeks to reduce the amount of polluted runoff that enters the local waterways. 

The City uses the Storm Water Management Charge, assessed quarterly to property owners, to offset the costs needed to manage this program. Learn more about how the charge is calculated through this FAQ sheet

The program also reviews and approves storm water management plans submitted as required by Chapter 120 of the City of Milwaukee Code of Ordinances. Contractors and developers can find all plan submission resources in the tab below.  

  • Storm Water Management Plans
  • Green Infrastructure Plans
  • Erosion Control Permitting
  • Pollution Prevention 

Storm water pollution prevention is everyone’s responsibility. To report a concern about storm water pollution, call the hotline at 417-286-8162 or use the reporting form

Ways to Prevent Storm Water Pollution 

  1. Don’t Litter. Put litter in a trash can and recycle when possible. 
  2. Clean Up Pet Waste. Pick it up, double bag it, and put it in the garbage. 
  3. Properly Manage Yard Waste. Grass clippings, leaves, garden debris, and other yard waste should be reused as mulch or put in a compost pile. Throughout the year, these materials can also be taken to the City's Self-Help Centers, located 6660 N. Industrial Road and 3879 W. Lincoln Avenue, for proper management. Between mid-October and mid-November, leaves and garden debris can be placed along the curb for City pick-up. 
  4. Properly Use Fertilizers & Other Lawn Chemicals. Apply fertilizers and other lawn chemicals in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or use a natural alternative.
  5. Minimize Salt Use. During winter months, use salt and other de-icing materials sparingly on sidewalks and driveways. 
  6. Keep Car Wash Water Out of the Storm Sewers. Wash your car in a location where the water will soak into grass or take it to a commercial facility for washing.
  7. Recycle Waste Motor Oil & Used Antifreeze. Deliver waste motor oil and used antifreeze to the City's Self-Help Centers, located 6660 N. Industrial Road and 3879 W. Lincoln Avenue, for proper recycling. 
  8. Properly Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste. Pesticides, paints, solvents, and other chemicals should be taken to sites arranged by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District through their Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program.
  9. Watch For "Dirty" Construction Sites. Make sure construction sites in your neighborhood are keeping their dirt out of the storm drains. If you see a lot of mud or dirty water flowing from a construction site into a storm drain, please contact the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Hotline at 414-286-8162 or use the reporting form.
  10. Install a Rain Garden or Rain Barrel. See publications by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, for more information on rain gardens and publications by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, for more information on rain barrels.

Green Infrastructure (GI) Plans

Green Infrastructure (GI) Plan Recertification

A written GI recertification must be submitted every five years. This recertification verifies that the green infrastructure is operating as originally designed and is being actively maintained as outlined in the maintenance plan and WDNR Post-Construction Technical Standards. Pictures demonstrating the property's compliance are encouraged. The recertification includes the following:

Regulations and Standards

Information for Reviewers & Inspectors 

Information for Contractors 

Basic Control Measures

  • Construction Site Mulching 
  • Construction Site Seeding
  • Sediment Bale Barriers
  • Silt Fence
  • Stone Tracking Pads
  • Storm Drain Inlet Protection

Advanced Control Measures

  • Construction Site Mulching 
  • Construction Site Seeding
  • Sediment Bale Barriers
  • Silt Fence
  • Stone Tracking Pads
  • Storm Drain Inlet Protection

Contact Us

Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room 820, Milwaukee, WI 53202

Phone: 414-286-0515
Fax: 414-286-2010


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