Information for Contractors
Use the links and information below as a guide to obtaining an erosion control permit for the type of work you are performing:
- City of Milwaukee Public Works Contracts
Paving Contracts, Sewer Contracts, Water Contracts
- Private Property Construction
Major Grading, Paving, New Building Construction, Remodeling, Landscaping
- Private Construction in the Public Right-of-Way
Utility Service Laterals, Sidewalks, Driveways, Median crossings
Public Works Paving Contract Erosion Control Procedure
1. Review the site for the following:
a. Area of pavement removal
b. Areas stripped of vegetative cover
c. Embankments with steep slopes
d. Location of entry points to the job site
e. Flow of surface runoff onto, within and from the site
f. Location of storm water inlets, drainage ways and water bodies within and adjacent to the site
2. Designate Best Management Practices (BMPs) to:
a. Minimize the contact of surface runoff with disturbed soil and stockpiles
b. Maintain soil in place
c. Capture sediment before leaving the job site
d. Capture sediment before entering a storm water inlet, ditch or water body
e. Prevent vehicular traffic from tracking sediment offsite
3. Prepare a plan showing the type and location of all BMPs
a. Show locations of inlet baskets
b. Show placement of silt fences, hay bales
c. Designate tracking pad locations and sizes
d. Show location of sedimentation ponds
e. Show any other BMPs required
4. Prepare a schedule showing when the BMPs will be implemented and maintained
a. BMPs must be checked a minimum of once per week and within 24 hours after 0.5 inches of rain or more
5. Submit 3 copies of the plans, schedule, and completed Erosion Control Implementation Plan to:
Mr. William Frasch, PE
Infrastructure Services, Construction Section
841 North Broadway, Room 715
Milwaukee, WI 53202
6. After the plan is approved, implement the BMPs per the approved schedule
7. Pay attention to maintenance, it is often the most critical item to be neglected.

Public Works Sewer Contract Erosion Control Procedure
1. Review the site for the following:
a. Area of soil disturbance
b. Location of stockpiles
c. Use of dewatering equipment
d. Flow of surface runoff onto, within and from the site
e. Location of storm water inlets, drainage ways and water bodies within and adjacent to the site
2. Designate Best Management Practices (BMPs) to:
a. Minimize the contact of surface runoff with disturbed soil and stockpiles
b. Maintain soil in place
c. Capture sediment before leaving the job site
d. Capture sediment before entering a storm water inlet, ditch or water body
e. Prevent vehicular traffic from tracking sediment offsite
3. Show the type and location of all BMPs on the sewer plans
a. Show locations of inlet baskets
b. Show placement of silt fences, hay bales
c. Designate tracking pad locations and sizes
d. Show location of sedimentation ponds
e. Show any other BMPs required
4. Prepare a schedule showing when the BMPs will be implemented and maintained
a. BMPs must be checked a minimum of once per week and within 24 hours after 0.5 inches of rain or more
5. Submit 3 copies of the plans, schedule, and completed Erosion Control Implementation Plan to:
Mr. Jerrel Kruschke, PE
City Engineer
841 North Broadway, Room 701
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Attn: Environmental Engineering
6. After the plan is approved, implement the BMPs per the approved schedule
7. Pay attention to maintenance, it is often the most critical item to be neglected.

Public Works Water Contract Erosion Control Procedure
1. Review the site for the following:
a. Area of soil disturbance
b. Location of stockpiles
c. Use of dewatering equipmentFlow of surface runoff off of the site
d. Flow of surface runoff onto, within and from the site
e. Location of storm water inlets, drainage ways and water bodies within and adjacent to the site
2. Designate Best Management Practices (BMPs) to:
a. Minimize the contact of surface runoff with disturbed soil and stockpiles
b. Maintain soil in place
c. Capture sediment before leaving the job site
d. Capture sediment before entering a storm water inlet, ditch or water body
e. Prevent vehicular traffic from tracking sediment offsite
3. Show the type and location of all BMPs on the water plans
a. Show locations of inlet baskets
b. Show placement of silt fences, hay bales
c. Designate tracking pad locations and sizes
d. Show location of sedimentation ponds
e. Show any other BMPs required
4. Prepare a schedule showing when the BMPs will be implemented and maintained
a. BMPs must be checked a minimum of once per week and within 24 hours after 0.5 inches of rain or more
5. Submit 3 copies of the plans, schedule, and completed Erosion Control Implementation Plan to:
Ms. Joshua Iwen, PE
Water Engineering Section
841 North Broadway, Room 409
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Attn: Erosion Control Review
6. After the plan is approved, implement the BMPs per the approved schedule
7. Pay attention to maintenance, it is often the most critical item to be neglected.

Private Property Construction Erosion Control Procedure
- Determine if an Erosion Control Permit is required (requirements are listed in Ch. 290, 290-7)
- Review the Basic Control Measures webpage
- Complete the Erosion Control Certification
- Submit the erosion control application, plans and information as required by Ch. 290, 290-9(1) or 290-9(2), review fee and performance deposit with the construction plans to the plan examiner
- After permit issuance, install the erosion control devices and notify the inspector prior to commencing construction
- Pay attention to maintenance, it is often the most critical item to be neglected

Private Construction in the Public Right-of-Way Erosion Control Procedure
- Determine if an Erosion Control Permit is required (requirements are listed in Ch. 290, 290-7.) Note that work in the Public way is also governed by Ch. 115
- Complete the Erosion Control Implementation Plan
- Submit the Erosion Control Implementation Plan, site plans and information as required by Ch. 290, 290-11 with the construction permit application
- After permit issuance, install the erosion control devices and notify the inspector prior to commencing construction
- Pay attention to maintenance, it is often the most critical item to be neglected