Information for Reviewers & Inspectors
Erosion Control Plan Review for Public Works Contracts
1) Review the site plans for the following:
a) Area of soil disturbance
b) Areas stripped of vegetative cover
c) Embankments with steep slopes
d) Location of entry points to the job site
e) Flow of surface runoff onto, within and from the site
f) Location of storm water inlets, drainage ways and water bodies within and adjacent to the site
2) Review the proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that they:
a) Minimize the contact of surface runoff with disturbed soil and stockpiles (divert flow around the construction site, tarp or mulch stockpiles, clean up)
b) Maintain soil in place (mulch cover, hay rolls, erosion matting, rip-rap, blocks, terracing)
c) Capture sediment before leaving the job site (silt fence, hay bales, tracking pads)
d) Capture sediment from dewatering units, slurry pumping, etc. (sedimentation ponds, tanks, dewatering bags, gravel bags)
e) Capture sediment before entering a storm water inlet, ditch or water body (inlet screens, inlet baskets, silt fence, hay bales, gutter buddies, interlocking barriers)
f) Prevent vehicular traffic from tracking sediment offsite (tracking pads, wash racks)
g) Clean up sediment from roadways (sweeping)
3) Review the schedule
a) Are the BMPs installed prior to construction
b) Are proper maintenance schedules set up to ensure BMPs operate as intended
4) Submit comments to the prepare for incomplete items
5) After the plan is acceptable, approve it and distribute copies to the preparer and Construction
Erosion Control Plan Review for Private Property Work
1) Review the site plans for the following:
a) Area of soil disturbance
b) Areas stripped of vegetative cover
c) Embankments with steep slopes
d) Location of entry points to the job site
e) Flow of surface runoff onto, within and from the site
f) Location of storm water inlets, drainage ways and water bodies within and adjacent to the site
2) Review the proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that they:
a) Minimize the contact of surface runoff with disturbed soil and stockpiles (divert flow around the construction site, tarp or mulch stockpiles, clean up)
b) Maintain soil in place (mulch cover, hay rolls, erosion matting, rip-rap, blocks, terracing)
c) Capture sediment before leaving the job site (silt fence, hay bales, tracking pads)
d) Capture sediment from dewatering units, slurry pumping, etc. (sedimentation ponds, tanks, dewatering bags, gravel bags)
e) Capture sediment before entering a storm water inlet, ditch or water body (inlet screens, inlet baskets, silt fence, hay bales, gutter buddies, interlocking barriers)
f) Prevent vehicular traffic from tracking sediment offsite (tracking pads, wash racks)
g) Clean up sediment from roadways (sweeping)
3) Review the schedule
a) Are the BMPs installed prior to construction
b) Are proper maintenance schedules set up to ensure BMPs operate as intended
4) Submit comments to the prepare for incomplete items
5) After the plan is acceptable, approve it, issue the permit and send a copy to Neighborhood Services for inspection
Erosion Control Procedure for Construction Site Inspectors
1) Review the proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs)
2) Complete erosion control inspection checklist, check off items required and quantities
3) Perform initial inspection to ensure BMPs were installed according to plan, prior to construction commencing, mark items on checklist
4) Perform inspection when you are at the jobsite or monthly at a minimum to ensure BMPs are being maintained properly and are functioning effectively, mark items on checklist
5) Keep a copy of the Erosion Control Plan and checklist with the job folder