Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
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Department of Public Works
Safe Routes to School uses programming and infrastructure to encourage children to walk and bike to school.
The long-term vision of Milwaukee’s program is to create an environment where more students and families walk and bike to school. DPW works in coordination with Milwaukee Public Schools and the Wisconsin Bike Fed on this program to use a holistic set of strategies to create safer, more convenient environments for children to walk and bike to school.
The program is guided by a Strategic Plan developed in June 2021, and executes on this plan through:
Safe Routes to Transit works to improve pedestrian safety and access along high-frequency transit corridors in the city.
The purpose of the project is to improve safety, accessibility, and comfort for people walking and using transit to shift trips currently made by automobile to walking and transit. The proposed project also aims to improve transit operations and frequency along routes and at transfer hubs.
The first phase of the program includes improving pedestrian and transit accommodations along two corridors identified on the Pedestrian High Injury Network in the 2019 Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan. The projects are in the final design phase and will go to construction in 2024.
State Routes to Parks develops pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle focused street improvements adjacent to or near parks.
Currently, the program is in the design phase for two projects, aiming for construction in 2024.
[email protected]
Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Milwauee, WI 53202
Students at Milwaukee Parkside School usings raised crosswalk
Yard sign to encourage engagement at King Park