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Residents Preference Program Changes

The Residents Preference Program (RPP) enables unemployed or underemployed residents of the City of Milwaukee gain access to construction employment opportunities. Most DPW contracts require contractors to employ RPP-certified workers with an overall requirement that 40% of all hours be attributed to RPP-certified employees. The specific RPP requirements of each DPW project can be found in the bid advertisement.

Changes are coming to this program. Effective for all contracts advertised January 1, 2017 or later, the following changes apply:

Certification Requirements:

The unemployment criteria has been changed from 30 days unemployment to 15 days unemployment.

List of high-poverty zip codes (valid 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2025)

RPP Participation Requirements for all construction contracts awarded in excess of $500,000:

One-quarter of the total required RPP hours on the project must be worked by RPP-certified workers residing in high-poverty zip codes. These zip codes are determined by the City Clerk’s office every three years. For the period beginning 01/01/2023, these zip codes are:

  • 53204
  • 53205
  • 53206
  • 53208
  • 53210
  • 53215
  • 53233

One-quarter of the apprentice hours must be worked by RPP-certified apprentices. 40% of these RPP-certified apprentice hours must be worked by RPP-certified apprentices in the high-poverty zip codes identified above.


RPP change documents, including a slide presentation summarizing these changes, can be found below. Please refer to these documents as necessary. Any questions regarding RPP on DPW contracts should be directed to the DPW Contracts Office at 414-286-3314 or [email protected].

RPP Documents


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