Daytime Parking
- If a street has no posted time restrictions, vehicles may park on the street all day, night parking hours are 2:00 a.m through 6:00 a.m. During a Snow Emergency night parking hours are 10 p.m. through 6 a.m.
- If hourly parking exists, parking is limited to the posted time restrictions.
- At least 15 ft of clearance must be maintained when parked in an alley.
- Daytime Parking Permits
How Close Can I Park?
How to Park Next to Protected Bike Lanes
Protected bike lanes use flexible delinators and/or cars to separate people riding bikes and people driving.
- DO NOT park in the bike lane.
- Read signs carefully to confirm where to park, load, or unload.
- Look both ways for people biking when crossing the protected bike lane.
Other Parking Regulations
- No 24-Hour Parking
No vehicle shall be permitted to stand in one place on a highway for more than 24 hours.
- Private Property
No motor vehicle shall be left parked within the front yard or the front, rear street, side street or side setback of the principal building or any residential property, including single family, 2-family, and multi-family dwellings.
- Loading Zones
Loading zones are to be used for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading.
To report an illegally parked vehicle call (414) 286-CITY or report a violation online.
Parking Regulations are established by the City of Milwaukee Code of Ordinances and Wisconsin State Statutes.
Types and Costs of Parking Citations