If this is your first time using the permit website, you must first create an account, which will generate an account number for you. Your account number will be emailed to you and you will need to verify the email address associated with the account being registered. Please click HERE to begin the registration process.
The following are required in order to apply for a permit:
- Vehicle must be registered
- Physical plates on the vehicle must be valid
If you feel you already have an account number, please use the ‘forgot account number’ link on the login page and your account number will be emailed to you.
You can log into your account HERE
Once you are logged into the account you have created, you can select ‘Order Permit’ then follow the steps under the ‘Night Parking Permits’ section. Standard Night Parking Permits are available for immediate purchase.
You can also visit in person at:
6223 North Teutonia Avenue
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 8:00am-12pm
Police Administration Building
951 N. James Lovell Drive, 2nd Floor
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
2980 S Chase Avenue
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Handicap Night parking permits are no cost to you, but you will still need to bring a valid registration, along with a valid driver’s license, copy of your hang tag, and registration of your hang tag, which was provided by the DMV.
Most permits are valid for four (4) months at a time, starting in January. Annual permits are valid January through December, not on a rolling 12-month basis. For example, when purchasing a permit on 2/15/2022, the permit will only be valid till 12/31/22. You will be required to repurchase a new permit in January of each year ($20.00 for each quarter or annual for $55.00).
If you have any further questions or concerns, you can reach us at 414-344-0840 M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM CST.