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Service Requests

File a Parking Complaint

If you wish to complain about an illegally parked or abandoned vehicle, please call (414) 286-2489.  

  • To file a complaint, please be prepared to provide the following information:
    1. Description of where the vehicle is parked, and reason for complaint
    2. Description of vehicle
    3. Type of complaint
    4. Phone number
    5. Name
  • Communication assistants will not process anonymous complaints, but can process complaints confidentially if necessary.
  • Report a parking violation online.

Private Property Parking Violations

For an unauthorized vehicle you would like removed from property you lease or own:

Contact a licensed private tow contractor


Call 414 286-CITY (2489) for parking enforcement assistance.

You will need to download and complete an Application for Citation, Placard, or Tow on Private Property” to give to the Parking Enforcement Officer upon arrival to issue the citation.  The Parking Enforcement Officer will have blank forms available for you to complete.  You will also need a valid state-issued driver’s license or identification card, City of Milwaukee municipal ID card, military ID, or a passport and be present when the Parking Enforcement Officer arrives.

Report a Broken Meter

If the meter is defective and a parking citation is issued, the citation may be released if the claim can be substantiated by the City.

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