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Brand Guidelines

City logo wallpaper

Brand Assets & Guidance

If you need a specific department's logo or wordmark, please reach out to the appropriate communications officer for that department. 

If you have questions or need more information, please contact the brand manager. 

Official City of Milwaukee "tower" logo

Logos and Seals - Symbols of the City

Official City Seal

City of Milwaukee seal

Any use of the seal must be granted approval by the City Clerk's Office.


Bronze Keepsake Icon

city.milwaukee.gov homepage

The bronze-colored lapel pin, medallion and keychain feature a stylized representation of Milwaukee City Hall’s famous tower. 

This icon is not to be used as a logo on materials. 


Guides and Assets

Additional assets, resource guides and templates are available for download on the MINT. 


ADA Considerations

Alternative Format of Printed Materials

Print materials (meeting notices, agendas, reports, brochures, etc.) are to contain the statement below. Include "Braille" and "Large Print" symbols if space allows.

This material is available in alternative formats for individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact 414-286-3475, [email protected] or TTY: 711.

Spanish  translation:  

Este material está disponible en formatos alternativos para personas con discapacidades que lo soliciten. Favor de contactar al 414-286-3475, [email protected] o TTY: 711.

Accommodation Statement

Any event communication going out to the public (newsletters, publications, meeting agendas, public meetings/hearing flyers, etc.) is to include the statement below.  

Reasonable accommodations provided for persons with disabilities upon request. Call 414-286-3475 or email [email protected].

Spanish  translation:  

Se proporcionan adaptaciones razonables para personas con discapacidades que lo soliciten. Llame al 414-286-3475 o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected].

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