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Pictures of Sanitation at Work

Elderly & Disabled Assistance

Photo of Sanitation Worker emptying cart with hardship tapeGarbage & Recycling Carts

A senior citizen or person who is not physically able to roll the cart to the curb and back, and has no other able-bodied person in the household to do this, is eligible to apply for Hardship designation. For those with approved Hardship service, a Sanitation employee will retrieve the cart from its storage area, empty it, and return it to the storage area. There must be a clear path to the cart for collection; crews will not collect carts if blocked by a vehicle or if snow has not been cleared. 

Items outside of the cart must be at the curb or alley line for collection. Crews will not collect additional items from the private premise cart storage location. 

Medical documentation for the applicant and all members of the household is required to receive a hardship designation.

For information on these services, call (414) 286-CITY (2489), email [email protected]




Garbage & Recycling Hardship Service Application

Solicitud para Servicio de Asistencia para la Basura y Reciclaje


Snow Removal 

Visit Snow Resources for snow removal options, there is not a City snow hardship program. 





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