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Recycling Directory

Identify disposal options for a wide variety of items.

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Image of aerosol can

Aerosol Cans

Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart.

Instructions: Empty cans only. OK to leave labels on.

Restrictions: NO needles or "sharps". No gas or propane cans or tanks.

Image of aluminum cans

Aluminum Cans

Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart.

Instructions: Please rinse out cans. Don't crush.

Restrictions: NO needles or "sharps". No gas cans or propane tanks.

CLEAN foil and pie tins OK.

Image of anti-freeze bottle

Anti-freeze (used)

Drop Off Centers and Household Hazardous Waste Sites will accept used anti-freeze. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of refrigerator


Drop Off Centers will accept appliances. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Appliances include air conditioners, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, freezers, microwaves, ovens, refrigerators, furnaces, boilers, dehumidifiers, water heaters, and stoves.

Image of ashes


Accepted at collection point in green garbage cart or at a Drop Off Center.

Instructions: Double bag all ashes please.

Image of an auto battery

Auto Batteries

Drop Off Centers will accept auto batteries. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.


Image of single use batteries


Find single use and rechargeable battery drop off locations.

View the WI Dept. of Natural Resources' Household Battery Recycling Guide and Guia de Reciclaje de Pilas Domésticas.

Alkaline (Single Use) Batteries. Never put these batteries in your recycling cart. Single use batteries (A, AA, AAA, C, D, etc.) can be thrown out in your regular garbage or can be recycled for a fee through a variety of mail in programs or local retail drop offs. Recycling these batteries through mail in or retail drop off programs can recover steel and zinc.

Rechargeable Batteries. Rechargeable batteries contain toxic chemicals and must be properly disposed of through specific recycling locations. Never put these batteries in your recycling or garbage cart. Rechargeable (NiCd, NiMH, NiZn, Li-ion, SSLA/Pb) and button batteries are accepted at MMSD Home Hazmat Collection sites and a variety of local retailers serving as drop-off locations.

Vehicle Batteries. Lead-Acid batteries, typically found in cars and other vehicles, must be recycled in the state of Wisconsin. Many stores that sell these batteries accept them for recycling while offering savings on the purchase of a new one. They can also be brought to Milwaukee's Drop Off Centers.

Image of phonebook


Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart: paperback books, phone books, hardcover books ONLY if cover and back is removed, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, and mixed paper. Also consider donating.

Consider renting your next book or e-book!

Phone Book Opt-Out. Consider opting out of getting a phone book delivered if you no longer use this resource. Opt out online.

Restrictions: NO tissue paper or wax/foil/plastic lined paper or trash.

Image of branches

Branches & Brush

Accepted at curbside or alley collection point.

Instructions: DO NOT PLACE IN CART. Pile branches and brush at the collection point and request a special pickup online or call (414) 286-CITY (2489). More info.

Restrictions: Up to 2 cubic yards (size of a sofa).


Image of a car rotor

Car Rotors

Take to a Drop Off Center or any local scrap metal yard.

Not recyclable curbside. Do not place in the cart.

Image of a cardboard box


Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart: corrugated cardboard and paperboard (cereal boxes), junk mail, mixed paper, beverage carrier packs, paperback books, newspapers, magazines, and phone books.

Restrictions: NO tissue paper or wax/foil/plastic lined paper or trash.

Pizza boxes accepted if NO food or grease.

Image of cartons


Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart. Acceptable cartons include those used for shelf-stable and refrigerated food and beverage products.

Instructions: Please empty and rinse.

Image of a CD

CDs and DVDs

Accepted at collection point in green garbage cart. Also consider donating.

Image of three cell phones

Cell Phones

Cell phones are banned from Wisconsin landfills. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Lithium ion batteries that power smartphones and tablets pose a significant fire risk at our recycling facility if damaged.

Cell phones accepted for recycling at KGMB. Find additional cell phone drop offs.

Image of metal chain


Drop Off Centers will accept metal chains and chain links. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of a spruce tree

Christmas Trees

Accepted at curbside or alley collection point for special collection. Find seasonal updates here.

Instructions: DO NOT PLACE IN CART. Cut (live) Christmas trees are collected by special crews from the collection points for composting December 26 until January 31. Residents must submit a request at Click-4-Action or call (414) 286-CITY (2489). Trees can also be taken to Drop Off Centers for composting. Trees must be bare with all decorations removed prior to disposal.

Wreaths can be collected for composting. To be collected, remove all decorations, wire, and plastic. Residents must submit a request at Click-4-Action or call (414) 286-CITY (2489).

Artificial trees can be placed at garbage collection point.

Image of a bottled cleaning agent


Household Hazardous Waste Sites will accept: garage, auto, and toxic workshop cleaners. PRODUCTS NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of t-shirt, jacket, and jeans

Clothing (Textiles)

Consider donating to thrift stores whether in good or poor condition. If clothing cannot be resold as is, stores sell unusable items to recyclers like CTC Supplies. Also accepted at collection point in green garbage cart.

Image of two-by-fours

Construction Debris

Several locations take renovation materials as donations. Do NOT place in garbage or recycling carts. Construction Debris requires a special collection (for a fee) or must be taken to the Drop Off Centers.

Restrictions and fees apply.

Image of cooking oil bottle

Cooking Oil (Used)

Drop Off Centers accept cooking oil for recycling or place at collection point in garbage cart.


Image of squirrel

Dead Animals

For animals in the public right of way call (414) 286-CITY (2489) to request a pickup.


Image of various electronics


Drop Off Centers will accept electronics. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Drop Off Centers will accept up to three TVs per visit with a recycling fee of $5 per TV. All other electronics listed on the Drop Off Center website are accepted free of charge.

Electronics are banned from Wisconsin landfills. Learn more here.

Consider repairing electronics to extend their useful life.

Image of push lawn mower

Engines (small)

Consider donating items such as lawn mowers and snow blowers. Even if they are not in working condition, many people and organizations are interested. If donating is not an option, drain all fluids (oil, gasoline, etc.) and dispose of properly, then take the item to a Drop Off Center.


Image of EPS foam cooler

Foam (EPS containers and coolers)

EPS foam containers and coolers should be placed in your green garbage cart.

Photo of aluminum pie tin and graphic of blue recycling cart

Foil and Foil-like Containers

Foil and foil-like containers such as aluminum trays, are accepted at collection point in blue recycling cart.

Instructions: Containers and foil must be clean and free of food waste.

Image of apple core

Food Scraps

Learn how to reduce the amount of food you put in your trash, including using in-sink food disposals and backyard composting.

Image of recliner


Many organizations collect furniture for reuse. If reuse is not an option, place item(s) at your collection point. If it is less than the size of a recliner it will be picked up with your regular garbage. No special request is needed. If it is larger than a recliner there is a fee for collection. Request a pickup online or call (414) 286-CITY (2489). For disposal of items larger than a recliner, take items to a Drop Off Center for a lower fee than scheduling a collection.


Image of glass bottles and jars

Glass Bottles and Jars

Accepted at your collection point in blue recycle cart.

Instructions: Any color. Please rinse out. OK to leave labels on.

Restrictions: NO drinking glasses, Pyrex, china, ceramics, window glass, or light bulbs. Mason jars are OK.

Image of two window panes

Glass windows

Several locations take renovation materials as donations. Do NOT place in garbage or recycling carts. Construction Debris (windows) requires a special collection (for a fee) or must be taken to the Drop Off Centers.

Restrictions and fees apply.

Image of grass clippings

Grass Clippings

Consider leaving grass clippings on your lawn to return the nutrients to your soil or composting. If these options won’t work, grass clippings must be brought to a Drop Off Center.

Restrictions: It is illegal to put grass clippings in your garbage cart.


Image of a metal hanger


Many stores and dry cleaners will take back hangers for reuse. If reuse is not an option, metal hangers are scrap metal and can be taken to a Drop Off Center.

Plastic hangers that cannot be donated should go in the garbage.

Image of holiday lights

Holiday Lights

Holiday lights are not accepted curbside and are not accepted at City Drop Off Centers. Consider donating working condition lights or recycling them through Holiday LED's mail back program in Wisconsin.

Image of garden hose and graphic of green garbage cart


Garden hoses should be placed in your green garbage cart. Consider donating if in good condition.


Image of paper ice cream container

Ice Cream Containers (paper)

Accepted at collection point in green garbage cart.

Image of several ink cartridges


Place in green garbage cart. Inkjet cartridges accepted for recycling at KGMB.

Learn more about recycling ink cartridges.


Image of compact fluorescent lightbulb

Light Bulbs (Fluorescent)

CFL and fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, which is a hazardous material, and must be disposed of properly. Do NOT place fluorescent bulbs or tubes in your trash or recycling carts. CFL bulbs can be taken to many retail outlets, such as Ace, Batteries Plus Bulbs, Home Depot, Lowes, Sears, Target, and True Value. Batteries Plus Bulbs accept residential fluorescent tubes for a very small fee. Call individual stores to verify their participation.

Household Hazardous Waste Sites also accept these items, but the cost of processing CFLs through this site is very costly so retail sites are preferred. Learn more about CFLs from the EPA.

Image of incandescent light bulb and garbage cart graphic

Light Bulbs (Incandescent and Halogen)

These bulbs are not considered hazardous and can be placed in the garbage.


Image of stack of magazines and recycling cart graphic


Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart: magazines, newspapers, phone books, paperback books, corrugated cardboard, junk mail, and mixed paper

Restrictions: NO tissue paper or wax/foil/plastic lined paper or trash.

Image of various pills and graphic of garbage cart


Do not flush old medication!

Over the Counter (OTC) medication can be thrown away in your green garbage cart.

Prescription medication should be safely disposed of through a drop box location or the envelope mail-back program. Find a map of locations at Take Back My Meds MKE.

Image of microwave

Microwave Ovens

Drop Off Centers will accept microwave ovens. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of oil filter

Motor oil and filters

Drop Off Centers will accept motor oil and filters. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.


Image of hypodermic needles

Needles, Syringes, Hypodermic

It is illegal for needles and syringes to be put in garbage or recycling carts/bins. Needles and syringes must be taken to a sharps collection station or check with your local pharmacy about their disposal options. Learn more here.


Image of paint can and graphic of garbage cart

Paint (latex)

Consider donating unopened paint to charity. Accepted curbside in green garbage cart or at Drop Off Centers.

Instructions: Dry paint in the container.

Image of oil-based paint can

Paint (oil based)

Consider donating unopened paint to charity. Household Hazardous Waste Sites will accept oil-based paint. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of various paper products and graphic of recycling cart


Accepted curbside - Recycle Cart: Newspapers, magazines, phone books, corrugated cardboard and paperboard (cereal boxes), junk mail, mixed paper, beverage carrier packs, and paperback books

Restrictions: NO tissue paper or wax/foil/plastic lined paper or trash.

Photo of shredded paper and graphic of blue recycling cart

Paper (shredded)

Accepted at collection point in blue recycling cart.

Instructions: Shredded paper should be contained in a sealed paper bag before placed in recycling cart. Only shred when necessary.

Image of a paper plate and paper coffee cup and graphic of garbage cart

Paper Plates and Cups

Accepted at collection point in green garbage cart or at a Drop Off Center.

Not recyclable. Do not place in the recycling cart.

Image of a pesticide spray bottle


Empty: Accepted in green garbage cart or at Drop Off Centers.

Full: Household Hazardous Waste Sites will accept pesticide. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of kitten and puppy and graphic of garbage cart

Pet Waste

Accepted in green garbage cart.

Instructions: Double bag all pet waste please.

Image of plastic bag and graphic of garbage cart with note on special drop offs available

Plastic Bags and Film

Not accepted for recycling curbside. Do NOT put plastic bags or plastic film in your recycling bin. Learn more here.

Keep recyclables loose in cart.

Image of plastic container and graphic of recycling cart

Plastic Containers

Accepted at collection point in blue recycle cart.

Instructions: Please empty and rinse out. Lids should be screwed back on prior to recycling.

Restrictions: Only plastic containers with a #1, #2, or #5 symbol.

Bulky plastics such as five-gallon buckets, laundry baskets, or cat litter buckets may be recycled curbside or at a Drop Off Center.

Image of empty plastic flower pots

Pots (flower, plant containers)

Plastic or ceramic plant and flower pots should be placed in your green garbage cart. Consider donating if in good condition.

Image of metal pot and graphic of recycling cart

Pots and Pans

Accepted at collection point in blue recycling cart or at a Drop Off Center.

Image of propane tank

Propane or Gas Cylinders (empty only)

Check with locations where you purchased the propane tanks. Contact retailers of initial purchase before returning or refilling empty tanks. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Restrictions: Propane tanks can not go into your garbage cart or recycling cart. They are very dangerous in the trucks and at the Materials Recovery Facility.


Image of a rope and graphic of green garbage cart


Rope and cords should be placed in your green garbage cart. Consider donating if in good condition.


Image of scrap metal

Scrap Metal

Drop Off Centers will accept scrap metal. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of roofing shingles

Shingles (Asphalt Roofing)

Drop Off Centers will accept asphalt roofing shingles. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Image of a tennis shoe


Consider donating to thrift stores whether in good or poor condition. If shoes cannot be resold as is, stores sell unusable items to recyclers like CTC Supplies. Also accepted at collection point in green garbage cart.

Image of a smoke detector

Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors should be placed in your green garbage cart.

Some manufacturers have return programs available. View the back of the smoke detector for manufacturer contact information.

Image of several food products in spiral wound containers

Spiral Wound Container

Spiral wound containers (fiber body, metal bottom) should be placed in your green garbage cart.

Examples of food/ beverage items found in these containers may include, but are not limited to, juice concentrate, Pringles, cookie dough, Crescent Rolls, oats, dried fruits, bulk coffee, and bulk hot cocoa.

Image of a tin can and graphic of a recycling cart

Steel Cans

Accepted at your collection point in your Recycle cart. Please rinse. OK to leave labels on. CLEAN foil and pie tins OK.

Restrictions: NO needles or “sharps”

Image of a Styrofoam container


Styrofoam, including packing peanuts and foam egg cartons should be placed in your green garbage cart. These items do not belong in your recycling cart.


Image of a television

Televisions (TVs)

Drop Off Centers will accept up to three televisions per visit with a recycling fee of $5 per TV. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Electronics are banned from Wisconsin landfills. Learn more here.

Image of several tires


Drop Off Centers will accept up to five tires per visit with a recycling fee of $3 per tire. NOT ACCEPTED CURBSIDE.

Options for bulk tire recycling include Tires Express LLC in Milwaukee and Badger Materials Recycling LLC in Delafield. Each can be contacted for cost inquiries.

Image of a tissue paper in box

Tissue Paper (Kleenex)

Tissue paper, Kleenex, napkins, and toilet paper should be placed in your green garbage cart. These items do not belong in your recycling cart.

Image of a paper to-go container

To-Go Container (paper, plastic, or Styrofoam)

Paper, plastic, or Styrofoam to-go or take-out containers should be placed in your green garbage cart.

Image of a toilet with a note that a variety of disposal options are available

Toilets (Porcelain Plumbing Fixtures)

Several locations, including Habitat for Humanity ReStore, may take plumbing fixture donations. Call before dropping off.

Very small amounts are accepted curbside in green garbage cart. Larger amounts may be taken to Drop Off Centers. Fees apply.

For additional recycling options, contact local concrete recyclers. For a per vehicle fee, Shoreline Contracting Services in the City of Milwaukee accepts porcelain fixtures, concrete, stone, brick, block, and asphalt for recycling and use in aggregate. They can be contacted for more information.

Image of toy truck and blocks


Consider donating if in good condition. Otherwise, toys should be placed in your green garbage cart.


Image of a wheelchair and graphic of a garbage cart


Life Nets matches unwanted wheelchairs with those in need.


Image of dandelion on a piece of sod

Yard Waste

Yard waste can be composted in your back yard or Drop Off Centers will accept garden debris. From Oct 1 - Nov 15 place on top of leaf piles for collection and composting. DO NOT PLACE IN GARBAGE OR RECYCLING CART.
