Tuesday, December 5, 2023:
West Vliet Street, from North 12th Street to North 27th Street, is now open to all traffic!
The project is scheduled to resume in spring of 2024 to finish tree planting and other restorations along the corridor.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023:
West Vliet Street, from North 12th Street to North 27th Street, is scheduled to close from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. while crews complete pavement markings and work on finishing touches along the roadway.

Winter Preparations: At the end of this year, crews will have completely reconstructed the roadway. They will return in spring of 2024 to finish planting and restorations along the project.

The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is reconstructing West Vliet Street.
The 2023 construction season is making great progress and nearing it's completion! Here's what's happening on the West Vliet Street reconstruction project during the month of October to wrap things up before the winter!

Beginning September 12, 2023:
- Northbound and southbound lane closures are scheduled for the north side of 17th Street at West Vliet Street.
All work will take place during working hours and reopen at the end of the day.

August 28, 2023
The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is underway with the West Vliet Street reconstruction project. The following work is scheduled to take place as part of this project.
Construction Look Ahead:
- Pavement removals
- Continuing storm sewer installations
- Grading operations anticipated to begin
Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.
Please note that all work is weather dependent and subject to change.
The project team thanks you for your patience and cooperation throughout this project!