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Complete Streets


Complete Streets is the process of creating and maintaining streets that are safe, comfortable, and convenient for everyone, no matter who they are, where they’re going, or how they choose to travel. Citywide, the policy aims to increase mobility and decrease motor vehicle speeds.

There is no singular design for a Complete Street; a quiet residential street may already function well for all people, whereas a busy commercial corridor may require wider sidewalks, curb extensions, and protected bike lanes. 

Most importantly, Complete Streets integrate people and place into all phases of a project, from planning and design through construction.

The Department of Public Works (DPW) is guided in implementation of Complete Streets through its Complete Streets Handbook. The Handbook serves as a policy manual, compiling the rules, procedures and design policies that DPW uses to meet the requirements of the Complete Streets Policy and the 2019 Racial Equity Policy. 

Complete Streets Handbook

The Handbook enumerates polices for selecting, designing, and delivering projects and maintaining investments over the long-term to eliminate health disparities and other inequities and make Milwaukee the vibrant city that residents and businesses deserve and that visitors flock to.

Complete Streets Outcomes


The City of Milwaukee’s Complete Streets Policy was signed into law in October 2018 by former Mayor Tom Barrett, and unanimously passed by Common Council on October 16, 2018. 
Milwaukee’s Complete Streets policy was recognized by Smart Growth America and National Complete Streets Coalition as one of the best in the country in 2018. 

Work completed through Complete Streets has been documented in its Healthy & Equity Reports: 

Complete Streets Community Advisory Group Kickoff Workshop

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