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Street Maintenance

Program Overview

Various units within DPW have programs to maintain City-owned assets. These include routine pavement and crosswalk marking programs, and other activities. Although these projects tend to be smaller, they are still able to update and improve the existing street design. 

The City uses preventive maintenance to avoid severe pothole problems. Potholes usually develop in older pavement as water in cracks in the pavement expand and contract as it freezes and thaws. Heavy traffic also causes fatigue in pavement weakened by age and frost action. DPW regularly checks for surface problems on streets with older pavement to keep ahead of problems. 

Residents can assist our Street Maintenance by reporting issues they see in their communities in one of three ways: 

  1. Call the City’s Universal Call Center at 414-286-CITY (2489) 
  2. Report online
  3. Report through the City’s MKE Mobile Action app

Common Street Maintenance Requests: 

Contact Us


DPW Field Headquarters, 3850 N. 35th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53216

Mayor Johnson filling a pothole in May 2023

Mayor Cavalier Johnson filling a pothole in May 2023

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