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Program Overview

The City of Milwaukee owns and maintains more than 180 moveable and fixed bridges, which must be inspected, rehabilitated and reconstructed to ensure state of good repair. Bridge projects are funded through local, state and federal funds. 

Bridge replacement and reconstruction projects present opportunities to create low-stress connected networks for all users. These projects follow a similar lifecycle to Major Projects and are often subject to approval by other government agencies. 

Bridge condition is evaluated through federally mandated inspections as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) program. City-owned bridges are typically inspected on a two-year cycle by certified Team Leaders. The City also performs in-depth and movable inspections on certain bridges each year.    


All projects are weather dependent and subject to change.

Bascule Bridge on Broadway

Bascule Bridge on Broadway

Complete Streets

Bridge projects adhere to Complete Streets by reviewing bridge cross sections with the Multimodal and Transportation groups to ensure that the bridge is constructed to provide the preferred solution for Complete Streets which will match the adjacent roadways.   

Scheduling and Public Outreach

Bride maintenance and rehabilitation projects are prioritized based on bridge conditions observed during the routine inspections and programed based on funding available from multiple sources including the City and State/Federal programs. 

Public outreach for bridge projects varies in accordance with the public impact the project will have. Residents are encouraged to connect with DPW on NextDoor where project start notices are published. 

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