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Inquiry Form and Contacting Payroll 


If you are an employee of another city department, please contact your payroll staff. You will not receive a response from this form.

For questions related to:

Benefits - Email DER Benefits or call 414-286-3184

Garnishments - Call the Garnishment Hotline at 414-286-2492

Income/Employment Verification - Use The Work Number

Complete the below inquiry form if you have a question for DPW Payroll staff. Be sure to include a detailed explanation of what you need and fill-in your full name, employee ID#, title and phone number.

In addition to completing the Inquiry form, you can contact DPW Payroll by sending a detailed email, with your name, employee ID#, title, and phone number.

Feel welcome to address any questions you may have with one of your direct management team members. Managers can also email DPW Payroll on your behalf. Also, you can call DPW Payroll’s automated phone line at 414-286-2072. DPW Payroll will typically respond to requests within three business days following the date of the request.

Be sure to scroll down this webpage to learn more about how to Look-Up Sick/Vacation Balances, logging into Employee Self-Service and Understanding your Paystub, including how to understand your “Hours and Earnings” and more.

Water Works employees please email Milwaukee Water Works Payroll Manager if you have questions.


Employee ID

Are you a DPW Employee? Employees of other City departments should not fill out this form and will not receive a response. 



Phone Number


Please describe your question here



Address Change Form

Employees are required to submit a Residency Statement form within 3 days of any change of address.

The form can be found here.

Look up Sick/Vacation balance

To view your Sick and Vacation balances (this balance will not include any time taken during pay periods which have not closed):

1.) Log in to to Employee Self-Service.

a.)  Self Service General Instructions

2.) Select the Employee Summary Report 

Picture of Self Service

3.) Scroll down to the Leave Balances Section. Your current balance is the furthest right column.

Picture of Leave Balances in Self Service

Understanding your Paystub

City pay policies can be complex, particularly when employees are working overtime or recieving additional pay for assignments. 

Example of Employee Paystub

This pay stub may look as though has a total of 146 hours total.  However, that would be incorrect. The actual worked on the pay stub is 85 hours and a holiday, which is counted toward overtime hours.


Example of Employee Paystub

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