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Sherman Park ECO Neighborhood Signs

ECO Neighborhoods Initiative  

Transform your community into a beautiful, environmentally-friendly neighborhood! 

Vision: Every neighborhood in the City of Milwaukee is an ECO Neighborhood.

Mission: The ECO Neighborhoods Initiative aims to build a neighborhood's climate resilience through collaborative climate education, planning, and action that is supported by local expertise and resources and guided by Milwaukee’s Climate and Equity Plan.

Background: The Environmental Collaboration Office understands that community collaboration is key to achieving Milwaukee's climate action goals. The ECO Neighborhoods Initiative was developed to promote a collaborative, neighborhood-level effort to achieve these goals by providing additional support to the residents and community leaders who are already making an impact in their communities. An ECO Neighborhood is one that works to improve its environmental impact on our climate’s air, land, and water.

  • Process
  • Benefits
  • Current Neighborhoods
  • Resources

How the Process Works

Collaboration: ECO partners with neighborhood groups made up of residents and community leaders, known as the ECO Neighborhood Team, to identify their neighborhood’s priority environmental issues, existing assets, and other resources, partnerships, and activities they need to work toward their climate action goals. 

Connection: ECO connects the team with its climate programs and resources, and those of other environmental organizations around Milwaukee, and beyond.

Capacity-Building: ECO staff and environmental partners provide teams with a working knowledge of their programs so that the team can utilize the resources and connect their neighbors to them as well.

Action: Teams spend one year facilitating outreach and education projects in their neighborhood to empower neighbors to join in collective action to create a more climate-resilient community and help Milwaukee achieve its sustainability goals.

How Your Neighborhood Benefits

Climate change has and will continue to present risks to communities. Acting on climate change means both reducing our use of fossil fuels (climate mitigation) and proactively planning to adapt to future changes (climate adaptation). Citizens and businesses have a role to play in demanding effective action at all levels of government, using the climate action programs that are currently available, and making personal and business decisions that benefit our communities, economies, and ecosystems.

Direct Benefits:

  • A beautiful, environmentally-friendly neighborhood
  • Helping Milwaukee achieve its sustainability goals
  • Increased community assets and collaborations
  • Participation in a growing ECO Neighborhoods Community
  • ECO Neighborhood designation by the City of Milwaukee

Current ECO Neighborhoods

Lindsay Heights Neighborhood (Designated in 2018)

Lindsay Heights’ ongoing commitment to climate action and environmental justice inspired the ECO Neighborhoods Initiative. Take the ECO Tour to view some of the neighborhood’s solar, food production, and climate change adaptation projects.

Sherman Park Neighborhood (Designated in 2022)

Sherman Park’s ECO Neighborhood Team stays committed to their climate action goals by coordinating tree plantings, neighborhood clean ups, an annual Earth Day in May event, and more. They also maintain strong partnerships with organizations like Plastic-Free MKE—who designated Sherman Park as the first Lake-Friendly Neighborhood!

Century City Triangle Neighborhood (Coming Soon)

Century City Triangle's ECO Neighborhood Team is hard at work on their designation led by residents, the Century City Triangle Neighborhood Association, and Clean Wisconsin. So far, the team has held community clean ups, home rain barrel installations and information sessions, community gardening events, and other activities—including a door-to-door environmental survey. 

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Home Grown Eco City of Milwaukee


Mia Rudolph-Schulta, ECO Neighborhoods Coordinator 

 Mia Rudolph-Schulta, Sustainability Coordinator


 City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Room 603, Milwaukee, WI 53202 

 Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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