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Chicken Keeping in the City of Milwaukee

How to apply for a permit to keep chickens in Milwaukee

  1. Complete a Chicken Coop Site Plan Form (DNS-362) to the satisfaction of the department. Blank site plans are available from DNS at 4001 S. 6th St., 1st floor. (See Sample Site Plan for an example.)
  2. Mail Chicken Coop Site Plan Form and a check or money order payable to “City of Milwaukee” for $35.56* (one-time fee) to the Department of Neighborhood Services, 4001 S. 6th St., 1st floor for review. This office does not accept cash as payment. Approval by the department is contingent on a review for completeness and compliance with the ordinance. The permit will be mailed to the applicant upon approval.
  3. Before a permit is issued, DNS will notify all of the property owners where the chickens shall be kept and owners (not residents) off all directly or diagonally abutting properties, including those across an alley. Neighbors will be given an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.

Read 78-6.5 Keeping of Chickens in the City and our Chicken Keeping Brochure for more information. 
*This fee includes a 1.6% Training and Technology surcharge.

What chickens are allowed?

As of July 28, 2011 residents in the City of Milwaukee will be allowed to keep chickens with the following provisions.

  • The keeping of up to 4 chickens, with a permit is allowed on a residential premise only. Permits will not be allowed on commercial or mixed-use occupancies. 

  • Roosters are not allowed. 

  • No person shall slaughter any chickens.

Coop location and design

  • Chicken coops shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, be moisture resistant, and either raised off the ground or placed on a hard surface such as concrete, patio block or gravel.

  • Chicken coops and yards shall be constructed so they will not have standing water.

  • Chicken coops shall be cleaned of hen droppings, uneaten feed, feathers and other waste daily and as necessary to ensure a health, odor or other nuisance does not exist.

  • Chicken coops and yards together shall be large enough to provide at least 16 square feet per chicken. Fenced enclosure space can be added to the coop space to add up to the minimum number of square feet. Coops cannot be taller than 10 feet. Coops cannot exceed 50 sq. ft.

  • Enclosures shall not be closer than 25 feet to any residential structure on an adjacent lot. Enclosures shall not be located in the front yard of a dwelling.

Care for the chickens

  • Chickens shall be provided with fresh water at all times and adequate amounts of feed.

  • Chickens shall be provided with a sanitary and adequately-sized, covered enclosure, or coop, and shall be kept in the enclosure or a sanitary and adequately-sized and fenced enclosure, or yard, at all times. Chicken coops and enclosures may not be homes or garages.

DNS intervention or inspections

  • An inspection of the proposed chicken keeping site will not be conducted by the Department of Neighborhood Services as part of the permitting process. DNS will inspect and determine compliance with the ordinance on a complaint basis or if it believes a violation may be occurring. DNS may take enforcement action it deems appropriate if violations are noted.

  • DNS will answer questions about the permitting process and the ordinance it is charged with enforcing. To inquire about the permitting process, please contact the Department of Neighborhood Services, Residential Enforcement Section-Animals at (414) 286-2759.

  • DNS will not offer advice or provide suggestions regarding the practice of keeping chicken. For example, DNS will not suggest how to build a chicken coop or enclosure nor advise on where to acquire knowledge related to chicken keeping.

Problems with chickens to be reported

  • Chickens shall not cause any nuisance, unhealthy condition, public health threat or otherwise interfere with the normal use of property or enjoyment of life by humans or animals. 

  • Unusual illness or death of chickens shall be reported to the Health Department.

  • A permit may be revoked for failure to comply with provisions of the ordinance and, once revoked, shall not be reissued.

Still Have Questions?

Any questions regarding this process should be directed to the Department of Neighborhood Services, Residential Enforcement Section-Animals at (414) 286-2759.

City of Milwaukee Department of Administration Director Sharon Robinson 

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

 Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room 105, Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Lake Tower, 4001 S. 6th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221



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