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The Hive

The Hive aims to make the City of Milwaukee a safe and thriving workplace and city for LGBTQ+ employees, families, and allies - through recruitment, retention, and support of the LGBTQ+ community in City employment and services.

Hive Members in 2024 Milwaukee Pride Parade

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The Hive - Milwaukee Area LGBTQ+ Calendar

Please email calendar additions to Luke Olson at [email protected]




February 6  |  GSA Day for Racial Justice  |  #GSADay4RJ
February 7  |  National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  |  #HIVAwareness
February 16-22  |  Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week  |  #AromanticSpectrumAwarenessWeek
February 28  |  HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day  |  #HIVisNotACrime

MARCH 2025

March is Women's History Month  |  Month-long celebration of important moments in women's history  |  #WomensHistory
March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month  |  #BisexualHealthAwareness
March 10  |  National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  |  #WomenandGirlsHIVAwareness
March 20  |  National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  |  #NativeHIVAwareness
March 31  |  Transgender Day of Visibility  |  #TransVisibility

APRIL 2025

April 6  |  International Asexuality Day  |  #TAsexualityDay
April 10  |  National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day  |  #YouthHIVAwarenessDay
April 11  |  GLSEN's Day of Silence  |  #DayOfSilence
April 18  |  National Transgender HIV Testing Day  |  #TransgenderHIVTestingDay
April 20  |  Nonbinary Parents Day  |  #NonbinaryParentsDay
April 26  |  International Lesbian Visibility Day  |  #LesbianVisibility

MAY 2025

May 4  |  International Family Equality Day  |  #FamilyEquality 
May 16  |  National Honor our LGBT Elders Day  |  #LGBTElders
May 17  |  International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia   |  #InternationalDayAgainstHomophobia 
May 19  |  Agender Pride Day  |  #AgenderPride 
May 22  |  Harvey Milk Day  |  #HarveyMilkDay 
May 24  |  Pansexual/Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day  |  #PansexualPride 

JUNE 2025

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month  |  Month-long celebration of the beauty, diversity & history of the LGBTQ+ community  |  #PrideMonth
June 1  |  LGBTQ+ Families Day  |  #LGBTQFamiliesDay 
June 5-7 |  PrideFest Milwaukee  |  #PrideFestMKE
June 8  |  Milwaukee Pride Parade  |  #MKEPrideParade 
June 12  |  Pulse Remembrance Day  |  #PulseRemembranceDay
June 26  |  Anniversary of U.S. Marriage Equality  |  #MarriageEquality
June 27  |  National HIV Testing Day  |  #HIVAwareness
June 28  |  Stonewall Riots Anniversary  |  #Stonewall
June 30  |  Queer Youth of Faith Day  |  #QueerYouthofFaith 

JULY 2025

July 6  |  Omnisexual Visibility Day  |  #OmnisexualVisibility
July 14  |  International Non-Binary People's Day  |  #NonBinaryPride
July 7-13  |  Nonbinary Awareness Week  |  #NonbinaryAwareness
July 16  |  International Drag Day  |  #DragDay 


August 5  |  Black Nite Brawl Anniversary  |  #BlackNiteBrawl
August 14  |  Gay Uncles Day  |  #GayUnclesDay
August 24  |  Marsha P. Johnson's Birthday  |  #Stonewall 


September 18  |  National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day  |  #HIVAwareness
September 21-27  |  Bisexual Awareness Week  |  #BiWeek
September 23  |  Bi Visibility Day  |  #BiVisibilityDay
September 27  |  National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  |  #HIVAwareness 


October is U.S. LGBT History Month  |  Month-long celebration of important moments in LGBTQ history and LGBTQ figures  |  #LGBTQHistory
October 8  |  International Lesbian Day  |  #LesbianDay
October 11  |  National Coming Out Day  |  #NationalComingOutDay
October 15  |  International Pronouns Day  |  #InternationalPronounsDay
October 15  |  National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day  |  #HIVAwareness
October 16  |  Spirit Day  |  #LGBTQYouth  #SpiritDay
October 26-31  |  Asexual Awareness Week  |  #AsexualPride
October 26  |  Intersex Awareness Day  |  #IntersexPride  


November is Trans Awareness Month  |  Month-long celebration of trans history and the trans community  |  #TransAwarenessMonth
November 2  |  Transgender Parent Day  |  #TransgenderParentDay
November 8  |  Intersex Day of Remembrance  |  #IntersexDayOfRemembrance
November 13-19  |  Transgender Awareness Week  |  #TransAwarenessWeek
November 15  |  International Stand Up to Bullying Day  |  #StandUpToBullyingDay
November 20  |  Transgender Day of Remembrance  |  #TDOR


December 1  |  World AIDS Day  |  #WorldAIDSDay
December 8  |  Pansexual Pride Day  |  #PansexualPride
December 10  |  Human Rights Day  |  #HumanRightsDay
December 14  |  HIV Cure Research Day  |  #HIVCureResearchDay
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