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  • The Burleigh Street Bridges rehabilitation project will resume work on Friday, March 20th and is anticipated to be complete by May 1st, weather permitting. During this time, we will utilize single lane closures in both directions to complete landscape restoration, permanent pavement markings, steel railing installation and painting. (Added 3/20/20)


  • The south bridge on West Burleigh Street over the Menomonee River is currently open to traffic. In the spring, we will utilize single lane closures as needed to complete landscape restoration, permanent pavement markings, steel railing installation and painting. (Added 1/15/20)


  • The concrete deck for the south bridge on West Burleigh Street over the Menomonee River was poured on December 13th. Crews are currently preparing to pour the concrete roadway approaches during the week of December 16th, weather permitting. Work will resume in January with the installation of the bridge sidewalk, parapets and guard rails. (Added 12/17/19)


  • The West Burleigh Street bridges rehabilitation project began the second stage of operations on October 4th. The contractor has completed removing the bridge deck on the south side of the street. During the week of October 28th, crews will pour the concrete abutment back walls and begin formwork for the bridge deck, which will be poured in November. (Added 10/24/19)


  • The contractor will begin the next stage of operations on the West Burleigh Street Bridges over the Menomonee River as early as Monday, September 30th, weather permitting. During this stage, the south side of West Burleigh Street will be closed for construction. One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained on the newly constructed bridge on the north side of the street. Pedestrian access will also be maintained on the north side of the street. The project is progressing as scheduled and we anticipate bridge work to be completed by the end of November. (Added 9/27/19)


The Department of Public Works will conduct a rehabilitation project of the West Burleigh Street Bridges over the Menomonee River. The works consists of replacing the bridge decks, sidewalks and roadway approaches, painting the steel girders, upgrading storm sewer relays and installing new street lights from Menomonee River Parkway to the City of Milwaukee limits. Once completed, the roadway will provide for an 8-foot multi-use path on the south side of West Burleigh Street. 


To minimize how construction will impact residents, businesses, and the traveling public, the rehabilitation project will be split into two stages: 

Stage 1: The north side of Burleigh Street will be closed for construction. One lane of traffic in each direction will be provided on the south side of the street. Pedestrian access shall be maintained on the south side of the street. 

Stage 2: The south side of Burleigh Street will be closed for construction. One lane of traffic in each direction will be provided on the north side of the street. Pedestrian access shall be maintained on the north side of the street. 

Driveway Access: City staff and the contractor will work to minimize the amount of time any driveway access is restricted. 

Bus Route: #60 will maintain its regular route and schedule within the work zone. Unanticipated stop alterations will be signed to redirect passengers as needed. 

Parking: On-street parking is not allowed. 

Construction Hours: Work is allowed from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Lynn Des Jardins Construction Supervisor [email protected] 414-708-3885
Megan O'Connor Support for Business Liaison [email protected] 414-708-1433

Sign up to receive construction updates on this project-email [email protected]

Start: May 2019
Completion: End of November 2019
*All work is weather dependent and subject to change 

Project Overview
Traffic Control Plans

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