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Deferred Assessment Program

Instead of paying a Special Improvement Bill for paving, traffic calming or lead service line improvements by the due date or on the automatic time payment plan noted on the face of the billing statement, you may be eligible to delay the payment of the bill for an extended period under the Deferred Assessment Program.

Who is Eligible?

  1. The Special Assessment must be for the property which you use as your residence.
  2. You must be at least 18 years old.
  3. You must not have any delinquent real estate taxes. Real estate taxes being paid on the installment plan are not considered delinquent.
  4. You must not have been claimed as a dependent on another person's federal or state income tax return in the past year. 
  5. Your total household income from all sources must not exceed $30,000.
  6. You may own no real property other than the property to which the deferment would apply.
  7. In the Fall of each year, a revised application must be returned to DPW to maintain deferment status.


Deferred Assessments are recorded as a property lien and accrue interest at a rate of 6% per year in addition to the interest approved at public hearing for project construction.

The Deferred Assessment does not need to be paid until you sell the property, or fail to meet the qualifying requirements listed above in any given year.

How Can I Apply?

Deferred Assessment applications may be obtained by:

  • Calling the Assessments Division at 414-286-3316 (phone) or 414-286-2025 (TDD)
  • Or writing to Department of Public Works - Assessments Division, 3850 N. 35th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216

Contact Us


 Department of Public Works - Assessment Division, 3850 N. 35th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53216

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