A backwater is the back-up or back flow of water due to a clog or blockage in the sewer lateral or sewer main that the lateral connects to. All building structures residential or commercial have sewer laterals or pipes which carry wastewater and/or storm water from these buildings to the sewer main in the street. The clogs or blockages refer to anything preventing the gravity flow of water and waste through the building lateral or sewer main. Thus, the unfortunate occurrence is a back-up into the building's basement or living spaces.
A build up of roots, grease, and other organic substances are the common causes of backwaters in most circumstances. Damaged or broken down pipes can also contribute.
When a backwater occurs, the property owner should call 414 286-CITY to report the incident to the City of Milwaukee, Underground Operations (Sewers). Once citizens supply their name, address, and telephone number, investigators will be dispatched to the location to determine the cause of the backwater. If the backwater is a sanitary back-up (through the basement floor drain or toilet), residents are advised to wear proper protective equipment (rubber gloves, rubber boots, etc.) if water contact is necessary.