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Downspout Disconnection Program

  • Overview
  • Program Area

Program Overview

Like many cities, the older portions of the City of Milwaukee’s sewer system carry both rain water, also known as clear water, and sanitary sewage in a combined sewer system to be treated by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's (MMSD) wastewater treatment plant.

A large source of clear water within the combined sewer is from rain that falls on your roof and is collected by downspouts that are directly connected to the sewer system. During rainstorms, this additional clear water can overwhelm sewer pipes and MMSD's treatment plant which can lead to:

  • Street flooding
  • Basement sewage backups
  • Sewage overflows directly into our neighboring waterway

In an effort to reduce the amount of rain water (clear water) that enters the combined sewer system during rain events, the MMSD amended their Rules and Regulations to require the disconnection of downspouts at residential properties of four units or less in the Combined Sewer Area, as long as the disconnections comply with the criteria set forth in the City’s plumbing code and MMSD’s Rules and Regulations. In order to comply with these rule changes, the City of Milwaukee began the implementation of the Downspout Disconnection Program.

Downspout disconnection involves cutting the downspout, attaching an elbow and extension to direct the stormwater flow away from the house onto a grassy area and capping the standpipe.

The Downspout Disconnection Program only applies to properties within the Combined Sewer Area with downspouts that are connected to the combined sewer system and that meet criteria for disconnection.

Downspout Disconnection Program FAQs

Contact Us

[email protected]

414-286-CITY (2489)

Zeidler Municipal Building, Room 820, 841 N. Broadway, WI 53202

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