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E-Notify Registration Guide

This guide has been developed by the Unified Call Center to assist users in registering for E-Notify email and text notifications.

E-Notify Disclaimer

Step 1: Add E-Notify to Your Contacts

Step 2: Create Your Account

Step 3: Select Desired Email Notifications

Step 4: Register for Text Message Notifications

Step 1: Add E-Notify to Your Contacts

Before you register to receive E-Notify email and text message notifications from the City of Milwaukee, it is important for you to add the following email addresses to your email and phone contacts:

Important Notes:

  • If your email account rejects an email message from [email protected], or marks an email message from this address as junk or spam, the E-Notify system automatically unsubscribes your email address from E-Notify, to prevent email service providers from blocking City messages.
  • If your phone bounces a text message from [email protected], the E-Notify system automatically unsubscribes your phone number from E-Notify, to prevent phone service providers from blocking City messages.
  • Adding [email protected] and [email protected] to your contacts for your email application and your phone helps prevent your email account and your phone from incorrectly identifying E-Notify messages as spam or junk and helps keep you connected to City information.

Step 2: Create Your Account

  1. In an internet browser, navigate to milwaukee.gov/enotify.
  2. Scroll down to and click the "Register, Sign-in or Reset Password" button, as shown in the image below.
    Location of Register, Sign-in or Reset Password button on E-Notify page.
  3. On the next page, click the "Register" tab, as shown below.
    Location of the Register tab on the E-Notify Account Creation initial page.
  4. On the next page, fill in all of the information requested in all of the fields of the form.
    All fields which must be completed in order to register for an E-Notify account.
  5. Once you have entered information into all of the form fields, click the "Create Account" button at the bottom of the page, as shown in the image below. Your account will now be created.
    Location of Create Account button, which must be clicked after all form fields are completed in the E-Notify registration form in order to register an E-Notify account.

Step 3: Select Desired Email Notifications

  1. In the grey toolbar below the blue header bar, click or tap on "Location Based Subscriptions," as shown in the image below.
    Location of Location Based Subscriptions button in E-Notify.
  2. On the next page, in the section called "Address based notifications" as shown below, enter an address for which you wish to receive location-based email notifications, such as alerts about tall grass and weeds, sanitation violations, licenses applied for, and police-verified offenses on a property.
  3. Enter a notification radius in feet.
    The form states that a minimum 20 foot radius is recommended; in our experience, a minimum 200-foot radius ensures you receive notices posted geographically tagged anywhere on a property, not just at the exact geographical center of a property.
    Using a larger radius ensures you get notified about violations on a property; you may get notifications about properties that are not that central property, but you are assured of receiving notifications geographically relevant to a property during normal system function.
  4. Select the categories of notifications you’d like to receive.
    To receive notices from DNS about code violations posted to a property, you must check the “Neighborhood Services Activity” box in the Categories section.
  5. Finally, click/tap the “Save” button as shown below. It is vitally important that you click “Save” after entering each location!
    If you would like to receive notifications for more than one location, you can add additional addresses using the “Add Address” button shown in the lower left hand corner below.
    Fields which must be completed and settings which must be selected in order to receive address-based email E-Notify notifications.

Step 4: Register for Text Message Notifications

Part 1: Register Your Mobile Phone Number

  1. Click or tap the “Text Messaging” tab in the grey toolbar below the blue header bar as shown below.
    Location of Text Messaging button in E-Notify.
  2. In the Text Messaging screen, click the "Add phone" button, as shown below.
    Location of the Add Phone button in the E-Notify Text Messaging settings screen.
  3. Enter the mobile phone number to which you wish to have text message alerts sent in the "phone number" field, as shown below. Do not add any dashes, hyphens, periods, parentheses, or spaces; type ten (10) numerals only. Include the area code. The phone number must be a total of ten (10) digits long.
    Location of Phone Number field in E-Notify Text Messaging screen.
  4. Click on the "carrier" menu to expand it, and select your mobile phone service provider (or "carrier") from the list. Please note that you may need to scroll through the list to view all of the choices in the list.
    NOTE: Spectrum Mobile uses Verizon's network. If Spectrum Mobile is your carrier, please select Verizon from the list.
    Expanding and selecting a mobile phone service carrier from the carrier menu in the E-Notify Text Messaging screen.
  5. Click or tap the Save button (the button displaying an icon of an old-fashioned floppy disk as shown below).
    Location of the Save Phone Number button in the E-Notify Text Messaging screen.
  6. Once you click or tap the Save button, the system will generate a confirmation code that will be sent via text message to the mobile phone number you are attempting to register.
  7. Enter the confirmation code you receive in the confirmation code field which appears and submit it. Your mobile number will now be registered to receive text message alerts from the City.

Part 2: Select Desired Notifications

  1. Click the "Text Messaging" tab in the grey toolbar below the blue header bar again to view a list of categories for which you can now register to receive text messages.
    Location of Text Messaging button in grey toolbar below the blue header bar in the E-Notify settings page.
  2. In the two sections which appear, "ALERT Milwaukee! Categories" and "Sanitation Notifications," you can click the arrow symbol next to the section header text to expand or hide the choices in each section.

    In the "ALERT Milwaukee! Categories" section, click or tap the box next to each category for which you would like to receive text message alerts. You can change these choices at any time by logging into E-Notify and adjusting your selections.

    In the "Sanitation Notifications" section, you must enter at least one address for which you wish to receive Sanitation Notifications. If you do not enter an address, you will not receive notifications.

    Begin by clicking or tapping the "Add Address" button in the "Sanitation Notifications: section as shown below.
    Location of Add Address button in Sanitation Notifications section of E-Notify Text Messaging notifications setup page.
  3. Enter an address for which you wish to receive sanitation notification text alerts (to alert you of upcoming garbage or recycling collections) as shown below.
    The form will check the address you have entered against the City's property database to ensure you have entered a valid City of Milwaukee address.
    Do not include any punctuation (such as periods, commas, hyphens, or dashes).
    Do not include the city, state or Zip code.
    Do not spell out the roadway type. Abbreviate the roadway type using one of the two-letter roadway type abbreviations in the note below.
    If the address is failing to validate, please see the note below regarding roadway type abbreviations.
    Example of what a validated address looks like in the E-Notify Sanitation Notifications registration fields.
  4. Then click or tap the "save" button, as shown below. It is vital that you save the address before attempting to proceed.
    Location of Sanitation Notifications address save button in E-Notify settings.

NOTE: Many types of roadways are abbreviated in unusual and non-intuitive ways in the City of Milwaukee's property database. This can make it difficult to enter valid addresses, because these roadway types have different abbreviations in common use with which residents will be more familiar. It is important to be aware that these quirks exist.

  • Avenue = AV (not AVE or AVE.)
  • Boulevard = BL
  • Broadway - Broadway is not an avenue, street, drive, boulevard, lane or road. It has no street type following it; it is a way, and the "way" is built into its name. It is simply "Broadway."
  • Circle = CR
  • Court = CT (not CR)
  • Drive = DR
  • Lane = LA (not LN)
  • Road = RD
  • Street = ST
  • Way = WA (not WY)

If More Help Is Needed

If you can confirm that you have followed all of the steps in this guide, but you are still not receiving notifications, please email [email protected] for further assistance.

Please include the following in your message:

  • The email address you have used to attempt to register for E-Notify notifications.
  • If you are having issues receiving text notifications:
    • The mobile phone number you are attempting to register, and
    • The mobile phone service provider (or "carrier") for the mobile phone you are attempting to register.
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