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Trauma Response Team

The Trauma Response Team is a free and voluntary service for children who have witnessed or been exposed to potentially traumatic events such as serious accidents, sudden death, shootings, violence in school or the community, or domestic violence. 

How it Works
Exposure to traumatic events such as shootings, sudden death, and violence can harm children and families.

We want to help prevent or minimize that harm. If your child has been exposed to a potentially traumatic event, the Trauma Response Team can help you understand children's reactions and help you and your child develop skills to help manage behaviors after traumatic events. 

We offer support and guidance for the youth and family and may recommend other services such as therapy or counseling to meet your child's needs. 

The Trauma Response Team is an initiative funded by the City of Milwaukee in a joint venture between the City of Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Police Department and Wraparound Milwaukee's Mobile Urgent Treatment Team to help Prevent long term harm and future violence that can result from the adverse effects of being exposed to traumatic events. 

For more information or to setup a time to meet with a Traumatic Response Team member, contact 414-257-7621. You can also contact Officer Monte Kirk at 414-935-7272.

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