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Map Milwaukee GIS Web Services

GIS web services can be thought of as the City of Milwaukee's library of maps and GIS tools, made available to the interent. We have map services and geocoding services available for the public to use in their desktop software or web mapping applications.

A map service is an internet resource that makes maps, features, and attribute data available to the web. We publish a number of map services, and many are made easily available to you through our map applications. Map services not automatically available in an application can be added to any application, or accessed directly using ArcGIS Desktop.

A geocoding service takes input information, such as an address or taxkey, and identifies a point on the map that represents that input. These web services can also be used by ArcGIS Desktop users.


GIS Web Service Documentation

For the most current information about our services, use the following documentation:


Picture of globe with a magnifying glass and a point showing location

Geographic Information Systems


  Email GIS

 809 N Broadway Room 400 Milwaukee, WI 53202

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Data Documentation

PDF documents with detailed data definitions, descriptions, and guidance.

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