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Map Milwaukee Applications

Map Milwaukee is no longer a single application, but is a suite of applications with targeted data and functionality. Users still have the ability to add any available map layer to any of the map applications using the Add Map Layer tool [PDF]. Users also have access to advanced tools including querying data, drawing, measuring distance and areas, and exporting data to a spreadsheet.  Our goal is to provide map applications that provide useful data and are easy to use, while also providing advanced functionality for experienced or curious users.

NOTE: the search by address or taxkey tools have been removed from the I Want To menu. Please use the search bar in the upper right corner of the screen when looking up an address.

Application Gallery

Property Information

Reference maps with property boundaries and detailed property attribute data from MPROP. Use this application as your starting point for learning the new Map Milwaukee applications, or as a foundation to add map services as layers.


Census 2020 & 2010

Thematic census tract maps representing Census 2020 and 2010 data. Additional statistics for 2010 available in the attribute data (just click on a tract).


Green Infrastructure Planning

Maps to support the City of Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) with planning and compliance with MMSD's Regional Green Infrastructure Plan.



City of Milwaukee zoning and zoning overlay maps. For more information about the City of Milwaukee's zoning, refer to the Department of City Development's web page on Zoning Applications and Procedures.


Quarter Section Lookup

A web app to search the quarter sections within the City of Milwaukee and links to download the tax and engineering PDFs. It does not include any quarter sections outside the city  limits.


Census and Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Information

A web app that shows qualified Census tracts along with other boundaries like Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas (NRSA) and Neighborhood Strategic Plan (NSP) areas. An address can be searched and easy cross-checked to see what kind of boundaries the parcel lies in.


Land Management Districts

DNS and DPW management districts to be used by both citizens and internal users, so that they can visualize district boundaries, as well as locate inspection districts based on a particular property.


Looking for more maps?

Need a map layer not automatically available in one of the applications?  You have the option of adding map layers from any Map Milwaukee Services (or the internet, for that matter).  Here are some documents to help you out:

Tips and Tricks

Picture of globe with a magnifying glass and a point showing location

Geographic Information Systems


  Email GIS

 809 N Broadway Room 400 Milwaukee, WI 53202

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Data Documentation

PDF documents with detailed data definitions, descriptions, and guidance.

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