Cov teeb meem tshwj xeeb ntawm thaj chaw muaj kev nyab xeeb nrog rau kev ua hauj lwm xwm txheej cev ib txwm nyob thoob plaws hauv Milwaukee cov zej zog ib ncig tau txais kev muab saib siab sib npaug zos. The Milwaukee Police Department and Milwaukee Fire Department, as well as the City and County Offices of Emergency Management, are working closely with the United States Secret Service, Wisconsin Emergency Management, and other local, state, and federal law enforcement partners to keep residents, businesses, and visitors safe during the RNC. Thov taug qab saib lub vev xaib no thiab Lub Nroog cov xaus saus mes dias " Mayor Cavalier Johnson " los sis @MayorMKE rau kev hloov tshiab.
Hu rau 911 yog tias muaj xwm txheej ceev.Yog tias qhov xwm txheej tsis yog xwm txheej ceev, hu rau 414-933-4444 (rau tub ceev xwm) thiab 414-286-8999 (rau hluav taws kub nyiab)Qhia tus cwj pwm tsis zoo ntawm 877-949-2824 los sis
Lub Nroog cia siab tias txoj hauj lwm RNC yuav tau txais tus nqi rov qab los ntawm kev pab los ntawm Lub Tuam Tsev Hauj Lwm Ntsig Txog Kev Ncaj Nces ntawm Teb chaws Meskas.