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Voter Accessibility

The City of Milwaukee Election Commission encourages persons with disabilities to vote. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access to your polling place, please call 414-286-3491 in advance of or on Election Day.

Voting options available to persons with disabilities include:

  • Absentee voting (your ballot mailed to your home).
  • Curbside voting (your ballot brought to your vehicle outside your polling place on Election Day). Arrive at your polling location on Election Day and call 414-286-3963 for assistance.
  • Curbside voting is also available at every early voting site in the desginated parking spot. Call the phone number on the Curbside sign and someone will come to your vehicle.
  • Voting at your polling site with an ExpressVote, a voting device to assist persons with vision, hearing or physical disabilities mark their ballots privately and independently. All City of Milwaukee polling locations are equipped with an ExpressVote machine. 


Contact Us

 414-286-VOTE (8683)


 [email protected]

 City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Room 501, Milwaukee, WI 53202 

City Hall Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 AM to 4:30 PM


Executive Director, Paulina Gutierrez


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