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Soil Screening

Soil Screening Information



The MHD Laboratory offers only lead testing services to the community1.

To submit a sample(s) for analysis, please follow the sample collection instructions and complete the screening request form in the brochure provided below. 

NOTE: You must pay for the soil screening when you drop off your sample(s). Payment can be made by cash or check. The cost is $30 for lead screening for EACH bagged sample. Samples can be dropped off in person at the MHD Laboratory:

Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building
841 N. Broadway, 2nd Floor
Milwaukee, WI  53202

For questions or further information or assistance, please contact us at (414) 286-3526. Additional soil and gardening resources are also available below.

Helpful Links: Soil and Gardening Resources

1As of March 1, 2024, Milwaukee Health Department will no longer be providing nutrient analysis. Please see link below for UW-Extension if nutrient analysis is needed.

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