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Landlord Training Program

►2024 Landlord Training Program Class Schedule:  January

The award-winning Landlord Training Program operates out of the Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS) downtown location. Its goal is to teach landlords fundamental ways to keep illegal activity out of their property, and how to manage it if/when nuisance activity does appear. Considerable focus is also applied to operating according to the codes, laws and government directives that apply to rental properties as well as tried-and-true practices aimed at minimizing conflict and damage in area neighborhoods. This program was a runner-up for the Ford Foundation Harvard Kennedy School of Government Awards program, and a 1996 winner of the Innovations In Government award sponsored by the City of Milwaukee Mayor and Common Council. The classes are FREE, and held on a regular basis throughout the year at various locations to include local libraries. They are usually held from 9am to 3pm, live and virtually. The classes are generally one (1) five-hour session in one day with an hour Lunchbreak in the middle. Attendees get a free 100+-page comprehensive manual, and handouts on a variety of legal and business issues related to managing property. Each class also includes professional guest speakers ranging from Court Commissioners and City Attorneys to towing companies and pest control.

To Register for an Upcoming Landlord Training Class:

*Please note: There has been a surge in interest for online classes; we are doing what we can to provide as-many classes as we can. Carefully following directions in registering, and checking this page for updates will aid in securing a spot in a class. 1) Please INCLUDE ALL of the following information: name, complete address + CITY, STATE & ZIP, email address, telephone number, and the date(s) of the class you prefer for EVERY person interested, and please email to the address below:  (* Failure to include all this information will not secure your spot in the class) 2) Email to: [email protected]  or Leave a voicemail at (414) 286-2954,   and include ALL the information asked-for above.  2a) It is always a good idea to leave an arrray of dates you would like, or add "next available class" to your message as classes can fill-up quickly sometimes.



The Eviction Process from the Milwaukee County Sherriff's Office

Apartment Life: A Student Guide (DNS-100)
Use this guide for helpful suggestions about apartment life.

Bedbug Brochure (DNS-311)
!!! Notice the bulleted list of things to do in-addition-to spraying pesticide. Tips for property owners and tenants to deal with bedbugs.

Contact Brochure for Property Owners (DNS-105)
Contacts for Milwaukee building and property owners.

Contactos Para Propietarios de Propiedades - (Spanish DNS-105S)
Contactos para Milwaukee propietarios de edificios y propiedades.

Handrail Sizes and Shapes
Use this document to install the required sizes and shapes for handrails.

Nuisance Noise Brochure (DNS-120)

Pitbull and Rottweiler Brochure (DNS-360)
This is the brochure for owners of Rottweilers and Pit-bulls. It covers ownership and handler information as well as kenneling requirements and licensing.

Pitbull y Rottweiler Brochure (DNS-360S)
Requisitos de la ordenanzade la cuidad de Milwaukee para los pitbull y rottweiler, correas y licencias, la cerca o jaula, distancia de la vía pública.

Rat Brochure (DNS-303)
Rat and rodent problems are handled by DNS. This is the process for getting rid of them.

So You Want to Be a Landlord (DNS-119)
A summary of city regulations that every new rental property owner needs to know.

Tenant Responsibility Guide (DNS-110)
Things a tenant must know about their responsibility.



Landlord Training Events


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Helpful Links:

  1. Act 317 Changes
  2. ATCP 134 Update ($25/Credit or Background Check)
  3. CCAP: Criminal Background Checks
  4. Domestic Abuse: Office of Violence Prevention, Milwaukee Health Department
  5. Downspout Disconnection Program
  6. Equal Rights Division (Wisconsin Labor Standards, Equal Rights, Resources, More...)
  7. Fair Housing: A Guide for Owners and Managers of Rental Property
  8. MATC Fast Fund: An economic Emergency fund for MATC students
  9. Homeless Veterans Initiative
  10. Landlord/Tenant Guide from the State of Wisconsin (Tenant & Landlord Responsibilities, Illegal Lease Clauses, etc.)
  11. Landlords and Renters: Source for Legal Advice for Buyers
  12. Lead Safety Brochure from the EPA (A must if you rent-out a home built before 1978!)
  13. Legal Record clean-up
  14. Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics​
  15. Milwaukee Code of Ordinances (Source-Code of Orders Issued by inspectors)​
  16. Milwaukee County Courts: Eviction Process Checklist
  17. Mold vs. Mildew
  18. Office of Violence Prevention: to prevent and reduce violence through partnerships that strengthen youth, families, and neighborhoods.
  19. Pesticides: When/Where/How to use
  20. Property Registration Program, City of Milwaukee
  21. Reasonable Modifications 
  22. Rental Housing On Line (rental-housing associations in Wisconsin
  23. Rental Housing Resource Center (resources, information, alternatives to eviction)
  24. Renters Kit (HUD)
  25. If You See-Something Say-Something (Milwaukee), $$$
    • New! Department of Homeland Security (If You See Someting Say Something)
  26. Sexual Offender Registry-Wisconsin Department of Corrections
  27. Surgeon General A Healthy Home Checklist
  28. 10 Ways the Wisconsin Lawmakers Dramatically Rewrote Rental Laws to Favor Landlords Over Tenants (news article)
  29. Tool Loan Center (Housing Resource Center Inc.)

State Statutes:

  1. Chapter 66: General Municipality Law (66.0104 Prohibiting Ordinances that Place Certain Limits or Requirements on a Landlord, etc.)
  2. Chapter 704: Landlord and Tenant (Severablity of Rental Agreements, Requirements of Writing for Rental Agreements and Termination, etc.)
  3. Chapter 706.02: Formal Requisites (requirements for notices terminating tenancy (e.g. both parties names most appear on the notice; the land/interest must be identified; must be signed, etc.))
  4. Chapter 799: Procedure in Small Claims Actions (Court and Evictions, etc.)
  5. Chapter 801.11: Personal Jurisdicion, manner of serving summons for (how to properly serve summons to tenants)
  6. Chapter 942.08 Invasion of Privacy [surveilance cameras, peepholes, etc]

Wisconsin Legislative Documents, ATCP Chapter:

  1. 125: Manufactured Home Communities-Fair Trade Practices
  2. 134Residential Rentals (Promises to Repair, Prohibited Rental-Agreement Provisions, etc.)
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