Office of African American Affairs
Affordable land and leasing costs, abundant fresh water, an educated workforce, low business costs and easy access to financing, technical assistance and efficient transportation have helped local businesses succeed and grow.
Find information about things to do and happenings in the City of Milwaukee.
Milwaukee Police Department
Crime and Safety meetings are held on every third Wednesday of the month. Meeting locations vary, visit the District Two Facebook page for more information.
Get Milwaukee Police District Statistics
Calendario de las Reuniones de Crimen y Seguridad Las reuniónes sobre Crimen y Seguridad serán cada tercer Miercoles del mes. Los lugares de reunion variaran, visita la pagina de Facebook del Distrito Dos para mas informacion.
Obtener Estadísticas de la Policia del Distrito de Milwaukee
245 W. Lincoln Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207
Non-emergency (La Linea que no es de Emergencia es) 414-933-4444
District numbers (414 area code)
Don't know who else to contact? Your Community Liaison Officers may be able to help you help yourself. Your Community Liaison Officers can help you start a Block Watch program, or deal with a long standing nuisance issue in your neighborhood.