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A Helping Hand for District Seniors

Seniors in the 7th District who need help around the house with lawn care, snow shoveling or minor maintenance are invited to call Interfaith Older Adult Programs at 414-220-8669. Interfaith can also add some excitement to the lives of our seniors who are looking to keep active with such activities as arts and crafts, board and table games, health workshops and more.

In addition, Ald. Wade wants residents to know that the city has a special needs service to help remove snow from sidewalks for older citizens and disabled persons. They must certify that they and all occupants of a home are physically unable to shovel. The service is provided only when plowing operations are called and only for the public sidewalk, not for driveways or walkways from the sidewalk to a door. For information call the DPW Call Center at 414-286-CITY (2489).

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