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Pest Control

Commercial Pesticide Applicator Registration
Any person who applies pesticides within the City of Milwaukee for profit must be registered with the Department of Neighborhood Services Residential Code Enforcement. There is an annual registration fee per person, if applicable. Download the Commercial Pesticide Applicator form.



Check out our Bedbug Brochure for more information about this insidious pest. 

An inspector will look for active rat infestations at that location and issue an order on the property owner if an infestation is found. (s. 80-48-4). The order instructs the property owner to either abate the nuisance themselves or hire an exterminator. When the inspector reinspects seven days later, if no abatement has been started, he/she will place bait. The inspector will continue to place bait until there is no longer any acceptance. The cost of the abatement will then be placed on the property owner's tax bill at the end of the year.

The person owning or in control of the premises must remove the material causing the harborage. Lumber, boxes and similar materials must be neatly piled at least one foot above the ground. If the owner does not comply with an order to remove a harborage, the Department can do so and put the cost on the tax bill. DNS also baits active public areas such as sewers during May-September when rodent activity is highest and storms won't wash away the bait.

For more tips on how to deal with rats, download our Rat Brochure (DNS-303)

DNS will investigate and issue orders but does not abate pigeons on private property. For complaints of 25+ pigeons roosting under bridge overpasses, railroad trestles, bill boards, etc., the city will investigate and obtain permission from the DNR before placing bait.

All pigeon complaints should be made to the DNS Code Enforcement Section at (414) 286-2268. For information on how to prevent pigeons from roosting on your own property, click on our Pigeons Brochure (DNS-305)


City of Milwaukee Department of Administration Director Sharon Robinson 

 Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

 Zeidler Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room 105, Milwaukee, WI 53202

 Lake Tower, 4001 S. 6th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221



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