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Report Illegal Dumping Form

If you do not provide sufficient details and evidence (ie. photos, videos, license plate numbers) to begin an illegal dumping investigation, DNS cannot investigate the incident.  

Additionally- if you are NOT willing to agree to be a court witness, please report the incident through Click for Action as a garbage complaint.

WHO graphicDid you personally observe the dumping incident?   Yes   No
Do you know the illegal dumping suspect(s)?   Yes   No
If yes, please provide the suspect's name(s):

Do you know where the suspect lives or where they brought the debris from?

Main suspect(s) gender:  Male  Female Unknown

Describe the suspect(s) and include any identifying information (ethnicity, height, weight, hair color, clothing, shoes):

Please describe the suspect’s vehicle: 

License Plate: State:
Make: Model:
Body Style: Color:


WHAT graphicDescribe the material that was dumped (couch, mattress, construction debris) and how it was dumped (from vehicle, on foot, blew off of uncovered load):

Illegal dumping is defined as "an amount greater than the capacity of a standard 20 gallon container."

WHERE graphicEnter the valid City of Milwaukee house number and street address where illegal dumping occurred. To check whether an address is valid, please visit My Milwaukee Home prior to filling out this form. 

Check LMS to view violations or other service requests for this property.

WHEN graphic
Date of dumping incident:   

Time of dumping incident:



 Yes, I agree to serve as a witness in court (Eligible for reward)
 No, I do not agree to serve as a witness in court (If no, this complaint may not be actionable in court and you are not eligible for a reward.

Please note: To be eligible for a reward, you must complete all contact info below. Data entered in this form, with the exception of personal information, may be displayed on some City of Milwaukee websites. You will not be contacted after submitting this form unless DNS requires additional information. 


Photos and/or videos will help lead to a citation being issued and is more likely to make you eligible for a reward.


The information you provide in this form will be investigated. However, if you do not provide contact information below, the City will not be able to prosecute the case and therefore you will not be eligible for a reward.




State:     Zip Code:



Any additional comments:

I hereby certify that the information submitted above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I further acknowledge that typing my name above constitutes my signature on this form.

It is a Class H felony to intentionally use any personally identifying information of an individual, including a deceased individual, without the authorization or consent of the individual and by representing that he or she is the individual, or that he or she is acting with the authorization or consent of the individual.  Wis. Stat. § 943.201(2). The same penalties apply to unauthorized use of an entity's identifying information or identification documents. Wis. Stat. § 943.203(2). Misappropriating an individual’s identity is also a federal offense, with penalties including imprisonment, fines and forfeiture of any personal property used to commit the offense. 18 U.S.C. § 1028(a)(7).

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