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Change of Operator Requests

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Who is eligible for a Change of Operator?

The Change of Operator process is available to new applicants interested in assuming the operation of a Board approved use. An applicant may assume the approval of a previous operator only if they plan to adhere to all the conditions of the decision, including the most current plan of operation. Additionally, the previously approved Board entity must have legal standing at the time that the Change of Operator request is made.

  • Adherence to every aspect of the most current approved plan of operation is required. The applicant must review a copy of the current plan of operation and decision of the Board, and agree to abide by all aspects of the approval. Any change to the plan of operation, no matter how minor, requires application to and approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
  • The previous Board-approved entity must have legal standing in the form of a Certificate of Occupancy at the time of application. An applicant cannot assume the approval of an operation that has not met the conditions of the decision.
  • Based upon previous conditions of approval, staff my request additional information to determine compliance. Failure to comply with previous conditions requires the applicant to submit an application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for approval.
  • Additional information may be requested in accordance with State statutes. If the Change of Operator involves a CLA or CBRF, the applicant shall submit a copy of their "good faith effort" to establish a community advisory board.


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Change of Operator Application

All Change of Operator applications will be reviewed by the Zoning Administrative Group (ZAG). Upon finding that the applicant has properly requested the amendment to the previous decision, a Change of Operator shall be granted. The following items are required for a Change of Operator application:

  • Proof of interest in the land.
  • Filing fee of $300 made payable to the City of Milwaukee.





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